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This story is on the special request of deed33

Kongpob gulped in his drink in one go as he laughed with his friends about a long lost memory from their college days, his smile carefree as he ordered for more

Kongpob and Arthit were both at the club with their respective groups, sitting just a few steps away, drinking, talking and laughing with their own friends, their kind of once a month weekend

"P'Arthit was the most hit on senior" Tew commented

"Literally, I have no idea how those girls and boys found the courage" Aim replied, shaking his head fearfully

Kongpob chuckled at their words and just instinctively his eyes looked for the mentioned one, his p'arthit who was sitting surrounded by his friends with a drink in his hand

Kongpob smiled at his laughing figure, his eyes lingering on him for more than a second, he was about to look away but something made him stop and stay, a girl approaching his husband made him squint his eyes at them

Kongpob saw the girl take a seat beside Arthiy who immediately shifted to the other side, eyeing her curiously and with tad bit of discomfort in his posture

"What's wrong?" Aim asked, noticing Kongpob's silence

Kongpob didn't reply, his grip tightening around the glass in his hands and Tew grabbed it out of his hands, placing it back on the table before following his eyes to his staring point

"Is she flirting with him?" Aim asked, sounding confused

Kongpob exhaled sharply before he got up from his seat, gaining the other two's attention as he walked off to where Arthit and his friends were seated

"Oon" Kongpob called, tapping the other's shoulder

Arthit immediately looked up, his frown being replaced by a soft smile as he pulled Kongpob to sit beside him, between himself and the unknown girl

"Yes, honey?" Arthit asked

"I'm not feeling well, I think I have already had enough to drink, can we go home, please?" Kongpob asked, resting his head on arthit's shoulder

"Sure, honey" arthit replied, putting his glass away

The couple spent another five minutes in saying their goodbyes to their friends, Kongpob eyed the girl only to find her looking dejected and disappointed, as he smirked internally

Kongpob fell back on the bed with a thud and arthit laughed at him before he too crawled over beside him, pulling him closer to practically lay on himself and kongpob smiled lazily

"Now, what was the real problem?" Arthit asked, caressing his hair

"Huh?" Kongpob asked back, looking up at him

"You weren't feeling unwell honey, what was the actual reason?" Arthit repeated himself, sounding a bit clearer

Kongpob rolled off him, laying right beside him with his head on his arm and his leg on the other's torso, his free hand playing with the collar of Arthit's t-shirt

"That girl, who was she?" Kongpob asked, his voice sulky

"I don't know baby, she was probably just flirting" Arthit replied, laying on his side, to pull kongpob closer to his chest

Kongpob buried his face in his neck, inhaling his soft scent feeling cuddly all over his body and Arthit kissed his hair repeatedly, adding to the comfort

"I hate it when people hit on you, I hate everyone and anyone that has ever hit on you" kongpob confessed, pouting

Arthit pulled slightly apart to stare down at the pouting one before attaching their lips together, taking the other by surprise, who responded in seconds

"Does it matter? When all I can ever do, is love you" arthit mumbled against his lips, making him grin

Kongpob immediately pushed arthit to lay him on his back and crawled over him again, his head on his chest as he wrapped himself around him like a cocoon

"Stop looking so breathtaking all the time, that's only for me to see" kongpob mumbled

Arthit chuckled, wrapping his arms around his waist protectively before humming in response

"As you wish, my possessive little baby" Arthit replied

"Oon, I love you, way too much" kongpob confessed

"So do I, I love you quite a lot" arthit giggled

I purple you 💜

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