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Arthit sighed for the umpteenth time as his eyes rested on the watch hanging on the wall right in front of him, the watch ticked eleven in the night and arthit let out a yawn

He shivered visibly, trying to wipe off the sleep from his eyes he tried his best to maintain his posture and sit straight, he wanted to wait for the other like a good boyfriend

Fifteen minutes or so passed before arthit heard the door knob click and the door being pushed open as kongpob walked in, humming a silent tune to himself as he headed in

"Arthit?" Kongpob asked, once his eyes fell on the sleepy one

Arthit's lips immediately formed a pout as he got off the chair and walked towards kongpob with grabby hands, wanting nothing but to melt into thd other's arms

Kongpob chuckled before pulling the other in his embrace, sighing at the content feeling with his boyfriend near him as he kissed his hair softly

"Let's head to bed now, shall we?" Kongpob asked

Arthit nodded against his chest and clung onto him like a koala as kongpob carried him upstairs, all the way to their bedroom

Kongpob let arthit fall on the bed with a soft thud and the other quickly crawled to his side of the bed and tucked himself under the sheets, all ready to doze off

Kongpob on the other hand, walked off to the bathroom to freshen up and get changed into a more comfortable pair if clothes before getting into bed

Arthit whined all the while as it took kongpob quite a time to get into the bed, checking all the locks twice, pulling the curtains close and his other duties kept him engaged

"Sorry, baby" kongpob mumbled as he got under the covers

Arthit immediately moved closer, placing his head on Kongpob's chest and wrapping his arms around him, his leg falling onto the other's waist

Kongpob held him securely between his arms, placing a long kiss on his forehead he slightly began to caress his hair oh so softly

"What happened at work today?" Arthit asked, his eyes shut close

"Honey, you are way too tired to listen" kongpob reasoned put

"You always listen to me even when you are tired after work, I want to be a good boyfriend" arthit pouted

Kongpob leaned in and pecked his lips making the other grin lazily and snuggle in deeper

"You are the best boyfriend no matter what, honey" kongpob replied

"Tell me, kongy" arthit argued

"Alright alright, it wasn't very eventful, we had a bunch of meetings that we had to attend and then I had to take the owners of the Roy cooperation to lunch today, and then Lara had a bit of schedule planned" kongpob explained, focusing onto his memory

Arthit's forehead wrinkled at the mention of Kongpob's secretary, he disliked her quite a bit, she was more than flirty and was always onto the other

"I hate that Lara" arthit mumbled, not wanting kongpob to catch it

"I know baby, but she is great at work you know" kongpob replied

"But she clings to you" arthit argued

"And who do I cling to?" Kongpob asked, raising an eyebrow

"Yea whatever" arthit mumbled, hiding his heating up cheeks

Kongpob chuckled at his cuteness, pulling him even closer as much as humanly possible as the other sighed feeling comfortable

"Keep her away from you, nonetheless" arthit whispered, slowly falling into the dreamland

"I will, I promise" kongpob replied, caressing his waist

Arthit smiled at him lazily before dozing off, light and soft snores coming from his tiny, pretty figure making kongpob coo at the sight

"I love you, darling" kongpob whispered, before falling into his own dreamland

A sweet chapter since the next one is going to be a little angst

I purple you 💜

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