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This is the continuation of my story 'saloon' on the special request of ForeverTornWithTears Roopa044 q_Lina

"Arthit!" Kongpob yelled, his hands resting on his hips as he stared at the other hopelessly

"No! I don't want a haircut" arthit replied, pouting

"Your hair had grown too much, baby" kongpob reasoned out

"I like it, can we not skip the hair cut this time?" Arthit asked, looking up at the other with puppy eyes

"No we cannot" kongpob replied

"Why did I have to marry you?" Arthit asked, grumpily

"Well because you love me, honey" kongpob replied, winking at him

Arthit's cheeks heated up as he mumbled some inaudible words to himself before finally walking over to kongpob, accepting his defeat

Kongpob smiled at him before asking him to sit on the chair and helping him tie a cloth around his neck before proceeding to grab his stuff

Arthit only stared back at himself through the mirror with a pout adoring his lips, he very much wanted to grow out his hair but kongpob wad stubbornly against the idea

Kongpob came back in a minute or two with his water spray and a pair of scissors when his eyes fell on arthit's expressions which made him sigh again

"Baby, what's so depressing about a hair cut?" Kongpob asked

"I really want to grow out my hair, kongy" arthit replied

"But baby.." kongpob was cut by arthit whining louder

Kongpob sighed before proceeding to open up the cloth he had tied around arthit's neck making the other grin as he left to put the stuff away

Arthit followed him with his penguin like walk, the one he used when he knew that the other might be sulking or mad at him

"What is it now?" Kongpob asked, plopping down on the couch

Arthit shook his head indicating it was nothing before sitting down beside the other, scooting closer to him and grabbing onto his arm

Kongpob didn't react and instead switched on the television as he began surfing through netflix, not sure of what to watch

Arthit laced his arms with the other as he placed his head on the other's shoulder and kongpob tried his best to stop himself from grinning by biting his inner cheek softly

Arthit pouted yet again as he looked up at his husband who seemed mad, he looked back at the television which yet was not playing anything in particular

"Kongy" arthit called

"What?" Kongpob asked back

Arthit sighed before shifting himself onto the other's lap, his weak point, kongpob just couldn't resist it when the other sat on his lap with that adoring pout of his

"Kongy" arthit whined again

"Yes, baby?" Kongpob asked, immediately melting

Arthit grinned in victory as he placed his head on the other's chest who wrapped his arms around arthit, smiling at the feeling of the other being so close to him

"I promise if I wouldn't be able to manage the grown out hair, I will let you trim them" arthit promised

Kongpob hummed in response, his hands instinctively reaching to caress arthit's hair, he had always loved his hair

"It's alright, you can do as you wish" kongpob replied, kissing his hair

Arthit looked up at him with his eyes shining with innocence and it made kongpob fall in love with him all over again

"You are not mad?" Arthit asked

Kongpob stared back at him with his lips slightly parted, wondering how he got so lucky to be lover by someone like arthit

Acting on his immediate thoughts, kongpob changed their positions, with arthit laying on the couch and him laying on arthit who was taken aback

Nonetheless, it took him a second to giggle before he began patting Kongpob's hair soothingly who hummed at the feeling

"No baby, I'm not mad, not at all" kongpob assured

"I love you kongy" arthit mumbled

"I love you too bunny" kongpob replied

I purple you 💜

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