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This story is on the special request of Namrata_00

"Oon, what are you doing, really?" Kongpob asked, letting out a sigh with his hands folded against his chest

Arthit didn't reply, very much engrossed in setting the couch in the perfect angle and posture, sticking out his tongue as a sign of concentration looking cuter than ever

"You don't have to go into that much of depth, honey" kongpob tried to negotiate, as he pulled the other away from the couch

"Kongy" arthit whined in response, setting himself free from the other's grip

"They are coming to meet you, not the house" kongpob reminded, ruffling the elder's hair

"The house makes the first impression on how I keep the house, it needs to be perfect" Arthit replied

"Are you perhaps implying that you are the wife?" Kongpob asked, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously

Arthit's face heated up, closing his palms into fists, he playfully hit kongpob on the shoulder, who fake pouted looking all adorable

"Don't district me and let me work" arthit warned, walking towards the kitchen

Kongpob parted his lips to argue but the other one was quicker and so kongpob decided to quietly follow him around the house, as he moved furniture all around, rearranging the entire house

An hour or so passed when a tired kongpob lay on the couch while arthit continued to examine each and every corner with extra observation skills unlocking

The door bell rung loud and clear and kongpob stood up, grinning at the fact that Arthit would finally stop being an interior designer, and be a marvellous to-be-son-in-law instead

"I will get the door" kongpob stated, hurrying towards the door

Pulling the door open, an elderly couple walked in with huge smiles as they embraced kongpob who returned the affection with the same amount of happiness blooming through him

"How are you, son?" Suruchi asked, with her motherly smile

"I'm great mum, how about you and dad?" Kongpob asked back

"Oh we are greater than ever" Kerkarai replied, smiling softly

Kongpob nodded at them before leading them further inside where Arthit stood rather consciously, when he noticed the other's parents, he immediately bowed in respect with a nervous smile

"Arthit, you do not have to be so nervous, dear" Suruchi chuckled, pulling the other in her arms as well

Arthit let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before hugging her back lightly, feeling a little better and more comfortable than a few minutes before

"I have heard a lot about you, and I'm eager to hear a lot from you as well" kerkarai stated, patting arthit's back

Arthit smiled at him with a short nod before leading the couple towards the dining area, as he hurried to thd kitchen to bring out the prepared lunch

"Let me help you with this, here" Suruchi suggested, grabbing the plates

"It's alright, ma'am" Arthit replied

"No it's not, am I your teacher or something?" Suruchi asked, raising an eyebrow at him

Arthit looked back at her with a confused expression not really understanding what she suddenly meant, there was no context to her question

"It's mom, what does the 'ma'am' has to do here?" Suruchi asked, hitting the back of the other's head

Arthit smiled sheepishly, the tip of his ears turning red at the unexpected amount of affection and love he was receiving

In five minutes or so, the food was served on the table and everybody had already digged in, commenting on how delicious everything was and praising arthit for his cooking skills

"I hope you teach him, how to boil an egg at least" Suruchi laughed

Kongpob frowned at her, turning to face Arthit with a pout who only laughed harder at his reaction Before ruffling his hair softly

"It's alright mom, I enjoy cooking and so it doesn't matter if he can't boil an egg" Arthit replied

"Why can't you think like that?" Kerkarai mumbled, not estimating how loud his voice was

"I didn't catch you, honey?" Suruchi asked back, glaring at him and kerkarai visibly gulped

Kongpob and arthit bit their inner cheeks to prevent themselves from laughing out loud

"So how's work?" Kerkarai suddenly questioned, changing the topic

Kongpob chuckled at his miserable attempt but decided to go with it anyway and in just a while, the table was all merry again

"It was great having you both, mom and dad" Arthit confessed, smiling wide

"It was greater to finally meet you, son" Suruchi replied, patting his head

"I'm glad Kongpob found you, he wouldn't survive otherwise" kerkarai stated

Arthit chuckled and kongpob only pulled him closer making the elder ones smile dearly at them

Kerkarai and Suruchi bid their goodbyes, leaving the couple all alone again with kongpob staring at Arthit blabbering about how happy he was, rather adoringly

"I'm glad you loved them" kongpob mumbled

"I'm glad they loved me" arthit replied

"Do you know who else loves you?" Kongpob asked

Arthit raised an eyebrow mischievously and kongpob pulled him closer, peppering his face with butterfly kisses making the other giggle

"Me, I love you" kongpob whispered

"I love you too, kongy" arthit replied

I purple you 💜

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