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Dev was shocked, stunned, mad all at once. He felt as if earth was snatched from beneath his feet, sky had fallen upon him. Apocalypse had struck, his insides were melting didn't knew what to do, all his senses were numb.

Suhana was his, his daughter his tiny little Khargosh. Sonakshi had raised her all alone for those painful 7 years. He had changed after meeting her started living again. She taught him to love, live and care.  Suddenly all the moments he had spent with her passed through his eyes in a flick.

The first time he got to know he was a father and read suhana's birth certificate again and again and how overjoyed he was. He did what all and what not just to win her and achieve to be called papa. 

How could he believe anything just a random man he doesn't even know. Yes it possibly couldn't be true. But maybe what if he was not lying why will a dying man say all this. He felt as if his life was at stake in this single big blow.

At this state he can not go to anyone, yeah he cannot hurt Soha, sona, maa and others like this.

He soon hastily called Mona his Personal assistant and asked her to make immediate bookings of one flight ticket to Kolkata to whichever next flight that is available. And inform anybody who asks about him that he is busy and would call once he is free. He also asked a nearby nurse to keep a check on Ayush and handed over his card to her. 

He soon left for airport and boarded his flight, disturbed with the happenings of the hospital.

Choked by his thoughts and inability to share anything with the two people he trusts the most.

He sat on his seat uncomfortably thinking what if Rohit's words were true. 

All through his life destiny hasn't been very kind to him. He had achieved all his money, fame , relationships, trust with utter hard work.  All his life he had always relied on second chances because he messed up the first time. But in case of fatherhood it was different he had given his all for each and every moment he spent with them. At least this was the only relationship he did not want to fail in. 

His thoughts were muddled and he was anxious about finding out how much truth and how much lie did Rohit's words contain. As soon as he got out of the airport he took a cab and straight away went to the hospital where suhana was born.

Not knowing what to expect from future.

TRUE LOVE (KRPKAB, Devakshi S3 Re imagined)Where stories live. Discover now