Chapter: 7 Bloody Twilight

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It was now twilight as the full moon glistened throughout the village. Many civilians began to prepare to rest, exhausted from their day of work. It was a peaceful day as usual, and the villagers took rest preparing what tomorrow has offer. Most of the anbu were out on a mission, while the rest patrolled the peaceful village prepared for anything. Itachi and Izumi patrolled the entire outer gates on their night shift. The two talked about many things including upcoming missions, the two boys progress, and the state of affairs between his father and the council. Both enjoyed each other's company as they stared off the full moon.

"Can you believe it Sasuke-chan defeated the Hyuga boy despite the how much a close match it was you should've seen it" Izumi beamed proud of his victory against the young Hyuga. Itachi could never get enough of the bubbly girl, it's a breath of fresh air from the cold, cutthroat missions where he's forced to do shadow operations. He's grateful to have a cheery girl like her in his life, to him she was his sunshine.

"You're saying Sasuke defeated the Hyuga prodigy?" replied Itachi happy that his younger brother slapped some sense into that Hyuga prodigy. Honestly the Hyuga boy reminded him of himself when he was younger except for the superiority complex all Hyugas are known for.

"I'm proud of Sasuke-chan he's already becoming an excellent shinobi and Naru-chan isn't far off either they did well on their recent training. You think both will surpass us in the future?" Izumi posed the question.

"I believe they are more than capable enough at the rate they are going, but I hope they don't grow up too fast like us because the shinobi life is a difficult one, its filled with loss and I don't want them go through that besides that is why I trained as hard as I have to, I can protect you Izumi-chan you're very precious to me" Itachi smiled.

Izumi blushed at the stoic yet humble Uchiha. She always liked that besides his great talent he was always treated everyone with respect. She couldn't count how many he protected her from the missions she's participated as Feret. She couldn't resist anymore. Izumi gave a soft kiss on the lips which Itachi happily returned the kiss with passion to Izumi's surprise. They battled each other for supremacy trying their hardest to resist any further desire from happening. She let out a soft moan as Itachi felt her hot breath on each other's neck not wanting to separate from each other. This make-out session lasted about two minutes before Izumi backed away.

"Thank you Itachi-kun for such a wonderful man. Even though things are uncertain now just remember I will always be there for you. You don't need to lock your feelings away from me I know you have been suffering since we joined the Anbu. You don't have to suffer alone I know things haven't been well within our clan especially the position your father has been. He's trying his best to handle the situation everything will work out in the end." Izumi reassured the stoic Uchiha.

"You always know the right words to say that's why what I love about you Izumi-chan" Itachi replied back giving her another kiss.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. they sense something foul in the air.

"Someone is here" said Itachi sensing a powerful chakra coming their way.

"What is this chakra it's so powerful" said Izumi as she begins to shake.

They stand right beside each other activating their Sharingan. Itachi and Izumi see a shadowy figure approach at lightning speed. The two ready their stance with a kunai in hand. It was a man wearing an orange mask with long hair resembling Madara. Itachi managed to grab Izumi just in time to avoid the harsh blow. He narrowed his eyes at this "Madara" he heard from father that he was the man responsible for the death of Yondaime and his wife as well the one that put Naruto into this predicament. Like his father he was skeptical at the claim that this man is Madara they were still things that didn't add up such as why the masked man decided to return decades after his supposed death. Surely it was something more than the destruction of the Konoha, he didn't believe this man would randomly attack without having some kind plan. Madara was known as a shrewd man for a reason. He would hopefully find some answers now.

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