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Tap, tap, tap

Sounded as my bare feet hit the concrete tiles of the imperial city. Slowly I ascended the flight of stairs leading to the golden tiles lining the tips of the red brick wall.

As I stepped onto the frozen concrete stairs, the cold bit into my skin, leaving frostbites in their wake. It chill numb me, almost as numb as my heart currently was.

Step by step I walked upwards, towards my destination, towards my freedom.

The life in the palace had become too unbearable , too suffocating.

As I walked I thought about everything that went wrong in my life, all the wrongs I had committed , all the mistake I had made....

"My entire life, I've committed countless mistakes.

I was born in the Fuca household yet I was born despising restraint.

Despite this, I married into the imperial family of all families and became the Empress.

That was my first mistake.

Becoming the example of the six palaces, obeying rules of tradition, yet still nostalgic of the past.

Never awakening from such grand dreams.

Becoming a wooden puppet with strings, yet still coveting love, always wishing to gain his Majesty's love.

That is another mistake.

Giving birth to Yonglian and Yongcong, yet without any power to protect them.

Suffering the pain of losing my beloved son, unfit as a mother.

That was a mistake.

The world never had love

Etiquette and rites, rigorous and strict.

Yet I deluded myself to think the Emperor is loving.

Unaware of the fact that human hearts are evil and the ways of the world are cruel.

Again and again, I suffered betrayal.

My first step was a mistake and the rest of the steps ended up becoming mistakes.

Your Majesty, you were right.

I am not a good Empress.

I let you down, I left the house of Fuca down, I let the entire imperial harem down. And most of all I let myself down.

And my Yingluo, my beloved Wei Yingluo..."

I thought as I arrived at the top of the wall

"I'm sorry Yingluo.

I agreed that I'd wait for you to return to the palace.

Regrettably, I can no longer wait.


From now on, you have to be happy for me.

Don't feel sad that I'm gone.

Because from today,

I will no longer be Empress Fuca of Da qing,

I will just be Fuca Rongyin.

And with that I jumped.

Down from the high seat

Down from this prestigious position of Empress

Down I went to just keep being Rongyin.


All the lines in this chapter that have been italized are all from the original Chinese series and have only been edited a bit by the author. Who is me 😁.

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