2. Realization

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Photo of Futara Erqing

Futara Erqing

Dressed in a palace maid garb and standing before her was one of her greatest nemesis, Futara Erqing. Once her closest attendant now the wife of her brother, daughter in-law of the Fuca family and her biggest betrayer in her last life. The greatest downfall that had ever befallen the Fuca household was marrying her as a daughter in-law. The sins she had committed against her, and against the Fuca family was marrying her into their family.

What was she doing here, Fuca Rongyin wondered as she stared dazedly at the face of Erqing as she walked towards her.

Different emotions bubbled up in her, confusion, frustration, sadness and most of all... hate.

Futara Erqing after everything she had put her through, she still dared to show her face in front of her.

But why here, why in heaven of all places. Erqing didn't die, she wouldn't have let herself die so easily. So how could she still see her in the after life.

Unless this wasn't the after life and she was still alive. The fall didn't kill her, she survived it.

But how?

She had felt the excruciating pain of her bones breaking in to a thousand pieces. The feeling of her skull shattering into pieces as she landed on the hard concrete floor, the sharp edges of the fractured bones piercing painfully through her flesh

She still recollected how her soul was painfully ripped out of her broken body, leaving behind a hollow shell as her empty eyes watched as her soul slowly drifted off.

She remembered all these feelings but how was it that she was still alive. Could she have dreamt about everything. But how could a dream be so vivid, so real. Did people even dream about things like that. Could it all really be an illusion fabricated by her mind when she had felt it all.

But as it currently there was no other explanation as to how she would still be in this same room encountering Futara Erqing.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Futara Erqing approached her smiling brightly, pausing to avoid the broken shards of porcelain of the floor before reaching for her.

"Niangniang, you're finally awake"Erqing rejoiced happily "your highness were unconscious for a whole week, this servant was terrified and thought that your highness wasn't going to wake up. Thank the heavens your highness finally woke up. Here this servant will help you.... Ahh!"

Just as she reached for the Empress, she was roughly shoved to the ground, landing on her side as her arm fell directly on the broken pieces of the tea pot, causing her to hiss sharply as blood sip out of her wounds and dyed her sleeve red.

Injured and confused she looked up only to find the Empress glaring at her, hatred nearly spilling from her eyes as she fixed her with a death glare.

"Don't you dare touch me" she hissed out in a unnatural voice.

Fear immediately filled her entire being at the new, vicious and unseen part of the dear Empress. Never in her life had she ever imagined encountering such a savage expression from such a gentle and magnanimous being as the Empress.

"Niangniang, you..." She stuttered.

"Shut up" the Empress hissed "not another word from you filthy creature" she said her voice filled with malice.

Scared Erqing kept her lips shut as she trembled lightly.

Rongyin looked around still trying to comprehend what was going on. She couldn't understand anything. Why was Erqing here dressed like a maid, why was she still alive, were was everyone else like Mingyu and Zhenzhu and..... Yingluo.

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