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Lydia pov

When I woke up the next morning, I was in the most beautiful bed however I didn't recognise it. I took a second to really remember what had happened the previous day. How we had arrived in the gorgeous country of England and I had met the people who I could now call family.

Mason was laying next to me snoring loudly. I scanned the room for a clock and when I saw one, I realised the time was 6am. I should probably get up and ready so I'm not wasting my day. Only problem, I knew Mason hated getting up. He only ever did it when the sisters forced him out of bed. Another problem, I have never made my own breakfast and I didn't know where anything in the house was. These problems together created an even bigger issue. I needed to get Mason up to help me. That was a challenge in itself but I've done it many times before so I just need to be creative

"Mase" I whispered in his ear. I stroked his hair from him face and kissed his cheek

"Mase. The sun's awake big brother" I told him. The sun was something many people take for granted. But I can only see pure beauty when the light fills the room

"Lyds, go to sleep" he grumbled burying his face in his pillow

"It's 6 o'clock. But I don't know how to make breakfast. Please can you help" I begged. He groaned but sat up anyway. His hair was sticking up on all ends whilst mine was just a bush sitting on my head. We both unpacked our clothes and got dressed. He used the en-suit whilst I used the very room I woke in just a mere 5 minutes ago

Once dressed, we both left the room, me alot more awake than my brother but I understood he was tired. And I just appreciate him doing this for me. We went downstairs and I thanked God that there were staff to help. I said hello to everyone I saw walking down the stairs and at the bottom, I asked for directions

"Excuse me sir. Please can you tell me where the kitchen is?" I asked him nicely

"Breakfast is being prepared and you shall be called when it's ready" the man said before walking off. He didn't really answer the question but he took the time to reply atleast. That's a start

"I'll make you breakfast" Mason said walking off to find the kitchen. I hurried to follow him

"The staff are making it mase. I wouldn't want it to go to waste" I told him only imagining how rude it would be to not eat the food they make

"Lyds, I make you breakfast. I always have and I always will. We don't need anyone else" he said to me gripping my hand. I thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. After a few more minutes, we found the kitchens

"Oh hello children. Breakfast isn't ready I'm afraid. We weren't expecting you up for another few hours" a cook said. I watched as Mason completely ignored the woman and went to make me some toast

"That's alright thank you. My brother here is going to make us some toast. But thank you for the offer" I said smiling at her trying to defuse the tension. She looked shocked but tried to hide it by muttering

"Of course" and then walking away. I sat at the small table with jam on toast and a glass of water. Mason sat opposite with the same thing

"Oh mase. I feel so awful. That was so rude of me. I'll need to apologise later. Maybe send her some flowers. Or-"

"Lyds will ya relax. She was fine. You worry too much. Besides, you're my responsibility so I will be the one making you toast" he told me

"And I appreciate that mase. I simply can't wait for daddy to come back can you? Then he can make us his famous apple pie" I squealed with excitement just thinking about it. My big brother cleared his throat and just nodded not saying anything

"Do you think he'll be back soon? And if he is, what will happen to us? I'm sure him and Arthur will become great friends and then we can live with daddy and still see our new family here" I said smiling widely

"Ye er...I think it's still a few years until he returns" he told me making me frown. But then I smiled again trying not to make the atmosphere a bad one

"Has he sent any more letters? We should write telling him of our new address" I asked. I couldn't read nor could I write very well. But Mason could and he always read me daddy's letters when they arrived

"I've already written to him about the change in address. But he won't have received the letter just yet. In a few days we should get a reply" he said putting on a small smile. We had finished our toast so he picked up the plates and out them in the sink. He walked over and kissed my forehead before walking away and leaving. So I was left sitting in the kitchen not knowing how to spend my morning

Arthur pov

I woke up at 10am. Not bad for me. I rolled out of bed and got dressed before going to check on the kids. When I knocked on their room, I heard no response so they must still be asleep. I walked in expecting to see two sleeping teenagers. Instead I saw an empty but made bed.

I walked downstairs hoping to see the kids there and thank god they were. Well Mason was anyway. He was sat flipping through pieces of paper on the sofa and picking bits out

"What's that?" I asked him.

"None if your business" he grumbled before walking away and taking the paper which looked like adverts with him. I wasn't trying to be nosy. I just wanted to have a conversation with him

"Good morning Arthur. How did you sleep?" I heard a cheerful sweet voice ring through the halls. Lydia walked into the room and gave me a hug

"Alright thanks. You?"

"Like a baby. The beds here are so comfy I might aswell have been floating on a cloud through the heavens" she said sighing and smiling. I beamed at the girl infront of me. I can't believe I have a daughter now. Even if she doesn't see me as her father, she is lawfully mine and that is just a good feeling altogether

"Have you eaten?" I asked

"Oh yea thank you. Mason made us jam on toast. I'd like to apologise to your cook. She had started breakfast but Mason had always made me the first meal of the day. I don't think he wanted to lose that." She said looking ashamed

"Don't worry about it. As long as you aren't hungry then it doesn't matter who cooks for you" I told her kissing her forehead

"So what are the plans for today?" She asked me taking a seat on the sofa

"Not much I'm afraid. Probably go down the pub. You can meet a few more people if you'd like" I said

"The pub? Have you looked outside Arthur? It's the most wonderful day I've seen in so long. The grass is greener than ever and the flowers are starting to bloom. We just must spend the day outside. It's too gorgeous to miss" she said standing up and walking towards the window as she looked outside

"Alright then. We could go for a walk if you like. Take the dogs" I said

"Dogs? Oh I love animals. Where are they?" She asked. I chuckled at her excitement

"You go tell Mason and invite him along. I'll go get them" I told her. She beamed widely before running off and going to find her brother. OK her I could handle

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