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John pov

The evening after Lydia returned from the hospital, I was sitting at the table with my wife and kids eating tea. The younger ones were sulking after I'd just told them off for throwing food at one another and the older ones were talking about school

"So, any girls I should know about?" I said looking at my 6 year old son

"Ew. Girls have cooties daddy" he said grimacing. We all chuckled at his face and his eldest brother said

"Believe me, they come in handy when you want to relieve some stress or when your just randomly horny" esme playfully wacked him round the head and nodded towards the youngest to remind him that there are children at the table

"You are gross" Katie my daughter said to her brother. Josh my 1 year old started crying so I lifted him onto my knee. Just then the phone rang

"I'll get it" esme said since my hands were full and we didn't trust the kids. Last time the older kids answered, it was a politician and they basically told him the proper way to have a wank. They found it hilarious. The politician however did not. A few moments later, esme came back into the dining room with a sullen expression and red eyes

"Mum, you alright?" Katie asked. The older ones shared a worried expression while the younger kids continued eating unaware of what was happening

"Kids why don't you take your food to your rooms. I need to speak with your dad" they grabbed their plates and walked upstairs, the 2 eldest carrying the 2 youngest. Just minutes later, we were both sat in tears at the dining room table as she explained the phone call to me. How could this have happened?

Tommy pov

I was in my office just after tea when Charlie came running in panting

"Woah. Slow down. What's going on?" I asked putting my pen down and drawing my attention to my son

"Mums crying" he said with tears in his eyes

"Alright mate its alright. Do you know why?" I asked him. He shook his head. I stood up and walked to the bedroom where i knew lizzie was as she was getting ready for a night out. She was sat on the endge of the bed with her head in her hands sobbing. Ruby was stood on the bed hugging her from behind

"Go to your brother ruby" I said lifting her up and walking out the room with her

"But mummy-"

"I know my darling. You've done a great job of looking after mummy so far and I promise I'll look after her" I said. Once she left, I went back to lizzie and wiped her tears. I knelt down so I was infront of her

"What's happened lizzie?" I asked

"I just got a phone call tommy" she cried. As she explained to me what the call was about, I held her in my arms and let her cry as I tried to keep my expression the same. However it was proving impossible as I let my lip wobble and a few tears slip

Finn pov

Me, Isiah and Michael were playing card games and drinking round mine when the phone rang

"Just leave it. They'll stop calling eventually" Michael said since we were in the middle of a game. So I left it. But after they had called 3 times, I finally picked up the phone. Soon enough, the phone had fell from my hands and I crumbled to the ground. I felt the overwhelming urge to vomit as pain filled me

"Finn whats happened?" Isiah asked as he knelt down and made me look at him. I told him and Michael what had happened and we spent the night drowning our sorrows with whiskey, gambling and tears

Ada pov

I was out with a few local women. We were just about to start the first round of shots when the door to the club burst open and a teary eyed polly stormed in. She ran over to my and pulled me from my seat

"Pol what's going on?" I asked

"Oh ada something terribles happened. Come on, we have to go" she said

"Pol what's happened? Please just tell me" I begged worried as we got in the car and she drove full speed to Arthur's

"Please. You're scaring me" I cried. When we got to Arthur's house, there was an ambulance driving away. What in gods name has happened? Arthur was stood outside screaming as the police covered up a body. I didn't have time to see who it was but I soon realised when Arthur screamed

"That's my son" he was crying and trying to reach for Mason. John tommy and finn were with him whilst polly stood and watched in tears. I broke down into tears and when I turned to the door, I saw Lydia stood in the doorway. She was shaking and crying but when she saw me, I ran over to her and she cried even more. I hugged her into my chest and helped her inside knowing her standing up for too long isn't good

I sat her down on the sofa and she sobbed as did I. Eventually, everyone came inside one by one until it was just Arthur sitting on the steps wanting to be alone. Lydia had stopped screaming and now just silently cried into her sleeves

"What happened?" I asked through the tears. Polly grabbed my hand and lead my into the kitchen to explain since Lydia didn't need to hear this. She probably already knows but doesn't need to relive it

"Pol, h....he's dead....mason" I sobbed. She hugged me to her chest and sat me down slowly on one of the chairs

"We don't know what happened. I was her for tea and I shouted Mason to come down since it was ready and no one replied. I went upstairs to go and get him and he was lay in bed sleeping. So I tried to wake him but.....but he wouldn't wake. He was ice cold and I knew then that he was gone" polly cried as I rubbed her back

"Did the doctors say what it was that kill him?" I asked as I wiped my tears

"They said he had an undiagnosed brain tumor. The doctor said he probably has seizures most nights and tonight......it was too much for him to handle" she explained. I hugged her and kissed her cheeks as we tried to pull ourselves together for the sake of our family

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