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Lydia pov

The next day, I did what aunt pol said. At half 10, I picked up the phone and dialed liams number. Ada was next to me to arrange a meeting since I obviously couldn't hear him. I was so nervous but also really excited. He clearly liked me since he made the first move so I don't know why I was worrying. Ada stood with the phone to her ear as I jumped up happily waiting

Ada pov

A: Hello, is this Liam
L: it is. Who's this?
A: I'm Ada Shelby. Relative of Lydia, the girl from the party. Well as you're aware she's deaf so I am arranging the date for you if that's alright
L: oh erm...ye thats great. I'm glad she wants to see me
A: believe me, she's got all the boys falling at her feet so consider yourself lucky she chose you and don't screw it up
L: yes ma'am. Erm...we could meet at the pictures at half 3. There is a new film called 'Love of the night'. Its a romance but if she's not interested then-
A: she's happy with that arrangement. Don't be late. Bye

I hung up and immediately wrote everything down for Lydia. She read it and squealed before hugging me tightly

"Thank you so much. Eek! My first date! Im so excited" she said jumping around. I tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead

'I would love to help you get ready but I really need to get going honey. Call me after the date and tell me everything'

"No. You can't go. I have no idea what to wear! I've never been to see a film before and I've never been on a date before. Please help me!"

'I'm sorry sweetheart' at that moment, lizzie and Tommy walked in. I smiled so grateful for the perfect timing. Me and Lydia looked at eachother smirking before I went over to my brother and sister in law

"Lizzie, I need to leave but could you help Lydia for me" I said

"Of course" she said. She held out her hand for Lydia and then went upstairs

"Help her with what?" Tommy asked. I couldn't tell him because I know what he's like. He would tell Arthur and then Arthur would beat the shit out of Liam.

"Girl issues" I said knowing that was enough to make him ask no further questions. He grimaced and then sat down not wanting to know what I was talking about. Technically, i wasn't even lying

Lizzie pov

I was so happy to help Lydia for the date. She's just so pretty and sweet that I've always wanted to dress her up and do her make up. She doesn't need it but her skin is so flawless and her eyes are so pretty that it would be so easy and yet still look like a masterpiece. Any makeup on her doll face can look like it was done by a professional

"Thanks for doing this for me lizzie" she said as she sat down on her bed. I smiled at her and went over to her wardrobe. I then remembered that I had no idea what kind of date it was. I had been told by polly that she was going on a date but I'm guessing it hadn't been formally arranged then

'Where are you going for your date?' I wrote down

"The pictures to see a romantic film. We are meeting at half 3" Nice. So something casual but cute and stylish. Abit more grown up but not too much. She is only 14 after all

I picked out this dress for her

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I picked out this dress for her. It was cute, simply and went down just past her knees. The waist of it showed sophistication but the slight puff of the short sleeves also shows that she's young and relaxed. God it was perfect. I held it up and she fell back on the bed smiling

"I'm gonna look so cute" she exclaimed giggling. She certainly was. I sat her down and did a simply make up look. It was all natural except for the red lips which really popped with the outfit. Her hair was wavy from the platt she always wore it in. So I simply brushed it and didn't feel the need to curl

'You look gorgeous' I wrote. We both looked at her in the mirror and I kissed the top of her head

"Thank you lizzie. This is amazing" she said

'Make good choices honey. And remember, just be yourself. Don't be shy or quiet. Because everyone loves the loud and hilarious you' this made her laugh but she nodded along in agreement

"I promise" she said. I checked the time at it was 3 o'clock. We went outside and got in the car so I could drive her to her date. I can't wait to do this with Ruby. On one hand I don't want her to grow up. But on the other hand, I love doing all the motherly things like makeup, dates, and sneaking around behind Tommy's back so he doesn't beat up boys. Today has been so fun.

We pulled up outside the pictures. It was 25 past. I signed

"I love you" and then drove off leaving her smiling widely

Lydia pov

I was so excited. I was also a little early so had to wait but I had a watch. Today, I actually felt pretty. But not like child pretty or cute. But like adult pretty. You know, with the make up and dresses. I felt like I could rule the world and I loved it. I waited for 10 minutes and still no sign of Liam. He was only 5 minutes late. Maybe he got caught up with something. Or maybe the car broke down. Anything could've happened. I waited for ages, telling myself that he was on his way. But at 5 o'clock, when it began to get dark, I realised, he was coming. He never was

I was too embarrassed to call anyone so on my dress and heels, I walked home. It took 45 minutes for me to get home and this is one of the times I'm grateful I can't hear. Because I saw the mens Mouths moving when I walked past and I knew they were yelling disgusting derogatory words at me. Whistling as I walked past. But I couldn't hear them so it was somewhat easier to ignore

When I got home, I walked in to the kitchen for something to drink since I was dying of thirst. Aunt pol and esme were sat there with dad, his brothers, and Michael. Mason was out with some friends as he had told me he would be last night. The girls were grinning when I walked in unaware of how crap my night has been. I poured myself a glass of water and turned around to face everyone. Dad very angrily wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me

'Where have you been dressed like that young lady?'

"I was just out with some friends. I'm tired so I'm gonna go lay down" I said walking towards the door

'Don't you want some tea?' Tommy wrote

"No thanks. I already ate" that was a lie but I just wasn't in the mood to eat. I went upstairs and the minute my door was closed, I fell down against it and just sat there crying. I really thought he liked me

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