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Lydia pov

I didn't really feel bothered by my father's passing. I didn't know him that well. Although I felt bad for his wife and new kids. He seems to treat them well and it looked like they really loved him. After leaving the room, I went and got the box. After a short while, everyone joined us at the kitchen table looking at what he'd given us

There were ALOT of photos. Of us as babies. Of all of us. Of mama although I'm not too sure why he still has them. Everyone was aweing over our baby photos whilst Mason tried so hard to throw them in the fire

"You were so cute" ada said holding up masons baby photo

Mason dived across the table to try and get it whilst I was laughing

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Mason dived across the table to try and get it whilst I was laughing. I pulled him back and he just sat sulking

"I don't know why you don't like it. You were adorable" I said pinching his cheeks out of mockery

"Was? I still am" he said pulling the same face as the photo. John held up my baby photo in my face and said

"You were such a poser" everyone looked at it and found it hilarious. I however do not like my baby photo

 I however do not like my baby photo

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"Yes yes. I thought I was a movie star big deal" I grumbled putting the photo away out of anyone's eye sight. I noticed dad looking at a photo in his hands but I couldn't see what it was. He was smiling slightly but it was a sad smile. Broke me heart

"You OK daddy?" I asked reaching and holding his hand. He kissed it and said

"Ye baby. Im fine. Just wish I met you both sooner. Missed so much of your lives" he said with that sad smile again. I went over and hugged him from behind and rested my chin on his head as he stroked over my arm

"Believe me, we were alot to work with. You just got a good photo" I said making him chuckle. Everyone wanted to see the photo so dad put it in the middle of the table

 Everyone wanted to see the photo so dad put it in the middle of the table

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