Chapter six ~ youtube video

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It's been a few weeks since I've met the triplets, and my life has never been better. They are the best friends I could ever ask for. They're all so caring in their own ways. And I love them. Today is the day that they finally asked me to be in a YouTube video. I will admit, I am extremely nervous. What if their fans don't like me? And I hate how I look on camera, everything about this makes me nervous. I have to be to their house in 10 minutes, need to get ready. I go with a black lace dress, with a small blue jacket, the necklace with Chris's ring on it, and doc martens with thigh high socks. I hope I look ok, I hope I preform ok. By now it's time to leave.

I get to their house and walk in.
"Hey dumb, dumber, and dumbest! I'm here!" I shouted, closing the door behind me.
Matt walks in from the kitchen,"Who is who?" He asks.
"Guess." I reply with a small smirk and sit down on one of the chairs.
"You look pretty today." He said.
"Thank you Matt, you look good too." Now we were both smiling like idiots.
Nick walks out of his room.
"I'm dumb, Matt is dumber, and Chris is dumbest. One hundred percent." He suggested.
"Why am i the dumbest?!" Chris shrieked from the top of the stairs.
I laughed and watched him walk down the stairs.
"You excited Y/N?" Nick looked at me.
"That's one way to put it." I gave a little awkward laugh.
"Don't be nervous, you'll do great!" He replied.
"Yeah all our fans will be going crazy over you!" Matt said, he must have been able to tell that his words had frightened me, so he continued,"In the best way of course!"
"Nice one dumbass." Chris shoved him.
"Come on lets go, we've got a video to film!" Nick said, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

Matt was in the drivers seat, Chris in the passengers, Nick behind Matt, and me behind Chris. This is their usual seats. I watch as they set up the camera and get all the screenshots ready on their phones, am I really doing this? I'm so nervous holy shit.

"Hi guys! Today we are doing Who is most likely to." Matt started the video off.
"Yes and we have a special guest!" Nick said showing me off with his hands.
"Hi, I'm Y/N."
"We are going to be using your guys questions of who is more likely to, from our group Instagram. We posted a story and you all left some questions for us." Chris explained.
"ALRIGHT! First one, who is most likely to skip a class?" Nick asked.
"Me if I wasn't such a pussy." I stated.
Obviously the boys were not expecting this because they couldn't hold in their laughter. I thought Matt was going to break the damn steering wheel with how hard he was hitting it.
"I agree, it would have to be me or Y/N." Nick said whilst still laughing.
"Holy shit I was not expecting that." Matt looked back at me.
"Ok next one" Chris started "Who is more likely to spend money on shit they don't need?"
"Hey," I put my hands up in defense ,"this bitch has no money TO spend. So it ain't me. Wrong bitch." Again this made them laugh. I guess I'm good at this.
"It's definitely me" Chris laughed "me or Matt, for sure."
"Yeah it sure isn't me, won't catch me spending $200 on shoes I'll never fucking wear." He looked straight at both of his brothers.
"Who is more likely to fall asleep in their classes."
"Oh me one hundred percent, I always have my work done so I sit doing nothing." I say.
"Ok miss perfect, do my work for me then." Nick teased.
"You gonna pay?"
"Helllll no!" He shrieked.
"Then what's the point?! Fuck your work, do it your damn self!"
"OK, GUYS RELAX!" Matt said between choked laughs.
We all took a second to calm down from laughing and continued.
"Who is more likely to, fall for someone in a short amount of time?" Nick asked.
My eyes darted to Chris, and Matt. They looked at each other.
"Sure isn't me, won't catch me lackin." I said, more joking than serious.
"Me the fuck neither, the guys at our school are rancid." Nick rolled his eyes.
"I'd say it's a tie between Chris and I." Matt looked at him.
"Yeah I can get behind that." Chris agreed and did the signature handshake he had with his brother.
"Embarrassing. Anyway-" I cut Nick off
"My turn to read one!" Nick handed me his phone.
"Hmmm, who is more likely to be bold and outgoing?"
"MEE! Me absolutely me." Nick shot up from slouching.
"God yeah, Nick is a menace. He has no filter." Matt chuckled.
"I don't know I feel like I can be bold sometimes" Chris begun "like I have to hype myself up a little bit but, I can do it."
"This is true." I blurted out.
Oh shit, oh shit I did not mean to say that.
"Oh of course you would know, you lovebirds disgust me." Nick fake gagged.
Matt looked disappointed, oh boy.
"Anyway" Chris tried to move on "I think that's going to be the video for today guys. Make sure to follow us on all socials."
"I love you guys!" Nick made a heart with his hands.
I waved to the camera.
"See you next Friday." Matt said before cutting the camera.
I feel like I messed up, big time.
Nick picked up my hands in excitement,"YOU DID SO GOOD!" He squealed.
I smiled at him, trying to match his excitement.
"Yeah, you did good Y/N." Matt didn't sound too enthusiastic. I chose to ignore it.
"I never knew you had a funny side to you." Chris smirked at me, he wanted to get a rise out of me.
"You're such a bitch." I said forcing myself threw the small gap between the passengers seat and the drivers seat to get a good grip on his hair, I started to mess it up and play punch him.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT BREAK IT UP!" Nick shouted, pulling me by my waist back into the backseat.
"Fuckin aye Y/N! Look at my hair!" Chris complained.
"To be fair, that's what you get." Matt said.
"See, and that's why Matt is an angel." I reached over and hugged him as best as I could.
"Ugh this love triangle makes me want to vomit, you guys are vile." Nick was gagging again.
"Do you want me to do what I did to Chris, to you?" I stared at him with cold eyes.
"Nope no yeah no I'm good! You guys are sooo cute, how silly of me to say you aren't!" He backed up against the car door, away from me.
"That's what I thought." I sat down, content with how the night went.

When we got back to their house it was already 10:50. Fuck I didn't think it was that late, I hate driving in the dark. We all got out of the car and I was heading to my car when Chris spoke.
"You should just stay the night, it's really dark, you shouldn't be driving."
The other two agreed and encouraged me to stay.
"That's thoughtful but, I don't have pajamas, or clothes for tomorrow, I have nothing with me."
"Don't worry about it." Chris reassured me.
"We've got you covered." Matt smiled.

We all walked in and sat talking for a bit.
"Want to sleep in my bed with me Y/N? I'd feel weird having you sleep with these weirdos." Nick looked at them.
"Oh sure, I don't mind. I can sleep on the couch if anything." I didn't want to be a burden to Nick's sleep.
"Girl bye, you are sleeping in my bed tonight." He said.
I laughed too hard at this. "Your bed it is!" I said.
"Um, I can give you some clothes to sleep in for tonight if you'd like." Chris spoke up.
Me, in Chris's clothes? Oh my fucking god this is a dream.
"You sure?" I was unsure.
"Of course, I want you to be comfortable."
"Well ok then, thank you." I smiled brightly at him.
He started walking to his room and I followed. I looked like a lost puppy following him around. Tall ass man.

"Here you go." He handed me a black mens tank top with red and black plaid pj pants.
"Thank you."
"You can change in my bathroom, I'll be here if you need me."
"Ok." I said as I slipped into his bathroom and shut the door.
His bathroom smelled lovely, and he had a huge mirror with bright lights framing it. I took off my clothes I had been in all day and first put his shirt on. This could be a damn night gown by itself! I put on his pants and tied the drawstring as tight as I could. I liked the way I looked in his clothes. And it makes me feel safe, knowing these are his. They smell good too which is making me love this moment even more. I crack the door open and see him perched on the side of his bed, looking at his phone. I open it all the way and walk out, his head fans up.
"Wow." He said, immediately looking embarrassed. I don't think he meant to say that out loud.
"You're just really pretty, even prettier in my clothes."
I'm going to faint. I was blushing so hard I thought my cheeks were going to melt off my face. I really do think I like Chris.
"Come here." He said, both arms out in front of him, like he wanted a hug.
I walked towards him and he pulled me in, hugging me. I was between his legs, his head was to just below my chest whilst his arms were wrapped around my waist. I put my arms around his neck, to hug him back.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"Nothing in particular." I could feel him smile against me.
He loosened the grip he had on me and I took a step back. It was just him and I, in his room, me in his clothes, him looking up at me while he sat on the corner of his bed. It was too good to be true.
"Thank you for the clothes idiot." I said playfully.
"Anytime." He smiled softly at me.
"Nick is probably waiting for me." I said.
"Right, yeah go get some sleep." He said.
"I will."
I put both of my hands on either sides of his face, my palms being on his cheeks and my fingers spread around his ears. I kissed the top of his head,"Goodnight Chris." And left immediately without wanting to see his reaction. I like this boy more than anything in the world.

I slung Nick's door open and made an entrance.
"I'm hereeeee!"
"FINALLY HOLY SHIT I'M SO TIRED, GET YOUR ASS IN THIS BED!" With that I ran and jumped into his bed, I climbed under the blankets and got comfortable.
"Goodnight Y/N." Nick said in a hushed tone.
"Night night Nicky." I was out like a light.



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