Chapter twelve ~ immature

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  I basically collapsed in Nick's arms. He sat down, me in his lap.
"Nick I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I'm so sorry." My face was resting between his neck and shoulder. I was bawling, crying harder than I ever had.
"Hey, shh. Y/N you have every right to accept that opportunity. The school has treated you like shit. I would want to leave too. The only reason they're acting like that is because they like you." He was pulling my hair out of my face, combing it back.
"You aren't doing anything wrong. If anyone should be sorry, it's them. They are in the wrong."
"Nick I've hurt them, they will never forgive me." I could barely breathe with how hard I've been crying.
"They love you. And I mean it, they love you Y/N. Both of them will forgive you."
I lifted my head off him and looked at him, I was sniffling, what just happened?
He held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs. I brought my hands up to my face and placed them on his, closing my eyes.
"I love you Nick."
"I love you too Y/N."
I leaned my forehead on his. Nick was the only best friend I've ever had. I am glad he is on my side, because if he wasn't, I don't know how I would function right now.

   After a few minutes I was ok enough to stand up and sit on the couch, he sat next to me.
"Can you please stay with me tonight?" I didn't want him to leave. He couldn't leave like the other two.
"Of course, I will stay with you as long as you need."
And so he did. He spent the night, we both crashed in my bed shortly after everything happened. It's still unreal to me. I'm mad at myself for not taking their feelings into consideration.

   I woke up huddled beside Nick. I guess I did that subconsciously while I was asleep. He was on his phone.
"Good morning Nick." I said. My voice was so raspy from all the crying that was done last night.
"Good morning, how are you feeling kid?"
"Like shit."
He let out a little laugh "As expected."
I took a glimpse at his phone, and saw he was texting a group chat. Then I saw the names
Chris💯 and Matty‼️. It's their group chat.
I tried to read the messages as fast as I could.

You are being fucking morons

You're the fucking

She's leaving you too
Nick. I don't understand
how you're so ok with this

I guess he caught me looking because he powered off his phone.
"What would you like to do today?" He asked me.
"Ugh" I rolled over so I was laying face first into my bed "absolutely nothing."
"Let's take a ride to my house, I'll get some clothes and essentials so I can stay with you for a while. You can stay in the car if you'd like."
"Yeah, alright." I agreed to his plans.

   We just stayed in the clothes we were in, Nick didn't have anything to change into and I didn't feel like changing. With that, we left. He let me drive so I could have something to focus on, which I appreciated. I pulled up to their house and parked.
"I'll be just a few minutes, ok?"
"Ok." I responded.
He got out of the car and walked up to his front door, I was scared for how this was about to go down.
I sat there waiting, I traced the steering wheel with my fingers in nerves. Maybe I should've talked to them before making a decision. Matt was right, they were here now, there's no reason for me to leave. I would feel the same way if I were in their shoes, I don't know why Nick is on my side. But I am grateful for that fact.
I saw him open his front door and swing a backpack around his shoulder, he looked like he was talking, so I cracked my window so I could hear.
"I don't give a fuck Chris! That doesn't mean you just fucking leave her because you don't like the decision she made!" Nick had his back facing the car, he was looking into his house now.
"You don't understand how I feel about her Nick! You'd feel the same way if it were a guy that you really liked. You are so hypocritical!"
That was Chris's voice. I could tell his voice apart from anyone in the world.
"I'm done talking to you. I'm staying with her until you two stop acting like FUCKING CHILDREN, you are both the most immature people I've EVER met." He said, he turned towards the car now, and started walking towards it.
There he was, Chris was standing in the doorway. He looked at me for a few seconds, before he ran his hand through his hair in anger and slammed their front door.
Nick got in the front seat.
"I brought some activities for us to do!" He sounded so happy, how is he going to act like that didn't happen?
I started backing out of the driveway to go home.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"Doing what?"
"Taking my side. They're your brothers, I'm just some random girl you guys met a few weeks ago." I said.
"Because you're like my sister. You are my best friend and i care about you so much. They may be my brothers, but I'm not taking their side when they are the ones in the wrong. I'm not like that."
I turned to look at him and I smiled. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything at all.
The ride home wasn't too bad, Nick put on some music and we both sang along, having a great time. When we got inside we both flopped on the couch. This week is going to be interesting.



what's gonna happen next?! 😶

i appreciate and love you all, thank you for all the support <3
more chapters coming soon

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