Chapter fourteen ~ love

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   I leaned into it. This shocked me completely. I was not expecting this at all. After a few seconds I pulled away from him, and attempted shoving him again.
"Forgive me now?" He asked, he had a stupid smile on his face.
"You're a dick." I said this more jokingly than seriously.
"No but seriously I am actually so fucking sorry Y/N. I was just, shocked. Living in this town won't be the same without you. I mean, you're our only friend. And, I just don't want you to go." His eyes held the deepest truth I've ever seen.
"I know it's selfish, and I know this is what you want, but it just made me sad to think about you leaving. About not being able to see you, about you be alone wherever you'd be going, I'm not lying when I say that I truly do adore you. Laugh all you want, call me a simp, but I like you Y/N. A lot. More than even I can comprehend. I always get nervous and excited when you walk in the room, or when I see you. I see things that remind me of you, and then it makes me miss you. It's a crazy feeling to be experiencing."
"You love her." Nick said from behind us. He was leaning against the car.
I looked at Chris, shocked. Was Nick right?
Chris gave me a small smile.
"I guess I do." He said.
Just a few minutes ago him and Matt were mad at me, hadn't talked to me for days.. and now he is confessing that he loves me? My life feels surreal. Not to mention he KISSED me!
I didn't know what to say.
"Maybe it's too soon, or maybe that came off too strong, but just remember that Y/N."
I wanted to make a move. I needed to. Right now is the time to make moves. I mean fuck it, I have nothing to lose right?
I put both my palms on either sides of his cheeks and stood on my tippy toes.
I looked into his eyes for a split second and felt, home. I felt safe, and loved. I saw our future play in slow motion. Me graduating and going to collage, him graduating next year then joining me, us growing up together and buying a house, starting a family and getting married, I could see all of it. It's him. Christopher Sturniolo. He is my soulmate, the person I will grow and die with. He is my person, and I am his.
I kissed him.
Like nothing in the world mattered. Because it didn't. I have found the person I was meant to be with in this lifetime, what more could matter?



GUYS🥺 ive loved writing this so so much.
i may try to continue it !! im just not sure where to go from here, i have writers block. but I will try my best ! <3

i hope you're all doing fantastic , i love and appreciate you guys! 🤍

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