Chapter seven ~ stay.

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  I wake up to my body being bounced like a basketball. I was startled and opened my eyes, to see all three boys jumping on the bed. I almost flew to outer space.
"Good morning sleepy head!" Nick taunted.
"WAKEY WAKEY!" Matt added.
Chris didn't say anything, just looked down at me while they all continued to jump.
"It's 7am!" Nick said, a little too thrilled for my liking.
"Oh you pieces of shits!" I grabbed Nick's leg while he was airborne making him fall onto the bed, I kicked my foot against the back of Matt's knee making his knee lock and he also fell, with Chris- I pulled his shirt with all my strength. His face was now inches above mine, his shirt wrapped in my fist, his chain hanging down from his neck almost touching me, I went in like I was going to kiss him-but then absolutely dodged before it happened. He scoffed.
"My fucking back Y/N, ow." Nick said rolling off the bed and putting his hand on his back.
"She almost just broke my damn leg with the stunt she pulled!" Matt whined.
"Oh yeah, I'm not a morning person." I said sitting up, I smiled an evil smile.
"Yeah no shit!" Nick groaned.
"Anyway, I'm gonna make some breakfast. Does anyone want any?"
Nick, Chris, and I all said yes to Matt's question.
Chris and Nick sat on the bed, while I still continued to wake up.
"You sleep ok?" Chris asked.
"Wonderfully, I was very comfortable." I looked down to his clothes, and back at him.
He shot me a smirk and looked away.
"Isn't my bed comfortable? I love it so much. It was worth the money." Nick stated.

   After a while Matt called us down for breakfast. I hopped on Nick's back, not wanting to walk, he gave me a piggy back ride down the stairs.
"Thank you for making breakfast Matty." I side hugged him.
"No problem."
We all sat at the table discussing what we should do with the day.
"What about an arcade?" Nick threw into the air.
"That sounds fun!" I had my mouth full, Matt's breakfast was delicious.
"Sure why not." Chris added.
"Alright, arcade it is." Matt ended with.

    It was time to get ready for the day, but I had no clothes. I didn't feel like wearing my clothes I had on yesterday either. Ugh what do I do.
"Y/N." Matt put one hand on my shoulder.
"Do you need an outfit for today?" Did Matt just read my fucking mind?
"Oh, yeah I do actually."
"Come to my room, I can get you something to wear." Matt said.
I shot a glance at Chris, he looked so done with Matt. Should I decline Matt's offer? I probably should but then I wouldn't have clothes for today.. I said fuck it and just went with Matt to his room.
He was looking through his drawers so I just sat in his desk chair. He handed me a hoodie that has a design of a mushroom on it, it was brown. This was the cutest hoodie I've ever seen. He then threw some jeans at me.
"These are small on me, so they'll probably fit you." He smiled at me, I smiled back. Matt's smile is contagious. That's one thing I like about him.
I walked into his bathroom to change, and I did so. I admired myself in the mirror, this outfit was so cute, and I looked good in it. I tucked my necklace with Chris's ring on it under the hoodie, and walked back into Matt's room.
"Oh wow, you look great. It suits you super well." Matt complimented me.
"Well thank you for letting me borrow it. I appreciate it!" I give him a big hug, and he returned it.
  We walked to the living room where Nick and Chris were waiting, already ready to leave.
"BITCH oh my god you look amazing." Nick awed.
Chris however, didn't look too thrilled. This constant fighting over me was honestly getting old at this point.
"Thank you Nick, you look beautiful yourself."

    This time Chris sat in the back with me. Matt driving and Nick in the passenger seat. I didn't mind this at all. We had been on the road for about ten minutes when Chris looks in my direction. I give him a "What?" look. He rested his hand on my knee, slowly snaking it up towards me. My stomach dropped. What was he doing, I didn't mind it but I couldn't even think straight. He was looking at his hand doing this gesture, when he cracked a smile at himself. Like he was proud of himself. His eyes looked up to me, and we made eye contact. He smirked at me, as if he found this funny. I placed my hand on top of his, removing it from my thigh. Two can play at this game Christopher Sturniolo. 

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