Chapter thirteen ~ i hate you.

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   It's been two days now, and Nick has never left my side. I'd been texting Matt and Chris nonstop, hoping they would answer. They haven't.
Nick and I have been doing countless activities, from baking, to playing board games, to filming random tiktoks. This is driving me insane knowing that they're mad at me.
"Nick, I cannot fucking handle this anymore."
He looked up at me from his phone.
"What? What do you mean?" He asked, worriedly.
"I'm tired of them being mad at me! All they are doing is wasting time that they could be spending with me."
I had an idea.
"We're going to your house." I stated.
"WHat?! Y/N are you out of your mind? We just need to wait it out."
"If I wait it out any longer i WILL be out of my damn mind. Now let go, move your ass!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him up from his seat.

   I drove, in pure anger. None of this was my fault, and they shouldn't be treating me like this for it. Ugh! I am enraged!
We pull up to their house and I hop out.
"Y/N are you sure about this?"
"Yes, just shush and come on."
I knocked on the door, and waited. And waited, and waited some more.
Matt opened the door.
"Who is it?" I hear Chris yell from the other room.
"You'll never guess." Matt said back, staring at me with utter madness in his eyes.
"Hello to you too Matthew." I said.
Chris walked up behind him, and I couldn't tell how he was feeling by his expression. He looked angry, but sad, and almost happy all at the same time.
"Nick." Matt said, looking past me.
"Matt, hear her out. This is childish." Nick said.
"You guys are upset that I'm leaving, yes?"
They both looked at each other, as if I was crazy.
"And you both love me so dearly? Huh?" I continued.
"Y/N-" Chris started to talk but I cut him off.

"LISTEN! If you guys ACTUALLY cared about me, and didn't want me to leave, you'd be spending every godforsaken second with me. Trying to spend as much time with me as possible, before I do have to leave. But no, because I'm the bad guy in this situation right? Im the asshole for wanting to get out of a town that's treated me like SHIT for 16 YEARS, right?!"
I wanted to cry, but I refused to.
"Well I'm so fucking sorry for thinking that you guys would be happy for me and would support me through this decision. I was obviously wrong, so very fucking wrong."
They both looked shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.
"Nothing to say? You realize you're wrong don't you?"
They had saddened eyes.
"And you're not even worried about it, are you? Because you know all you have to do is say you are sorry and you know I'll forgive you immediately because I care about you guys too fucking much."

"You guys are fucking cowards and I would've never done this to you. I would've NEVER done this to you." (euphoria reference 😉)
I was basically choking on my own sobs now. Where do we even go from here. They say sorry and I forgive them? I storm away and go back home? I don't know.
"Go ahead start pouring out sorries and loving compliments and jesters so I forgive you. That's what always happens right? You guys suck and I hate you. I hate you." I didn't mean that. I couldn't see through the tears, and I couldn't think straight. Neither was I silently crying.
I wiped my eyes and saw Chris run past Matt. He embraced me. I was engulfed by his sent. I couldn't tell if I was happy about this or not. I felt Matt's arms wrap around me as well. I was in between them both, just crying.
"Y/N I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't mean anything anymore, but from the bottom of my heart I am." This came from Matt, as expected he was the first to apologize.
"We had no reason to react like that, and we should have let you explain. Im so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." I could hear the sadness in his voice, and I know he meant the words coming out of his mouth.
Chris hasn't spoke up, he has just held me, if he squeezes me anymore my eyes will pop out of my head. I didn't mind him not saying anything. Sure he apologizes verbally sometimes, but he isn't the type to apologize through words. Or at least it isn't his go-to way of apologizing.
I felt Matt release me, and I looked at him.
"I forgive you." I reached out to touch his face, I put my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch.
After a few seconds he backed up, and started to walk away back into his house. Matt was good with reading the room. He knew that Chris would want to talk to me alone, and that we needed time. I admire that about him. Always knowing the right thing to do.
I tried to get out of Chris's grasp, and I shoved him right in the chest.
"You LEFT me! You didn't even try to hear me out! You left, YOU did that to ME!"
He stood there, letting me throw my words at him like knives.
"You suck!" I tried shoving him again, with his height and built he didn't move a muscle.
"You suck you suck YOU SUCK-"
He kissed me.




this story is not over yet, so don't be alarmed, but give me some suggestions of what you would like me to write about! and with who. (Matt or Chris. I would do Nick but he is not straight, so it would be wrong of me.)
any story ideas, and ill write them! your ideas will come to life <3


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