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And with that, Levi took Eren's hand.
"Who is this guy, and why is he so oddly charming? It's throwing off my cool." Thought Levi.

"tch. I mean he just freaking saved me after I treated him like dirt. Who is this kid?"

"So we have this study guide and a test on Friday. I'm terrible at math so I can't really teach you, Sorry." Said Eren.

"Just shut up." Said Levi.

"What? Heh. Sure. Whatever just take the guide." Eren said, slightly annoyed.

"Don't need one now leave me be brat."
"Brat? I just fucking saved y- "

Levi grabbed Eren 's uniform collar and pushed him into the wall.
"Listen. I didn't ask you to take the hit. I could have taken it." Levi said.

"Okay fine just get off of me!" His face was getting red.

"What the actual fuck... This kid is blushing because I'm threatening him?" Thought Levi.

Levi released him from his hold, causing him to fall on the floor.

Eren looked up at him. He was a heartthrob. Eren just sat there, embarrassed. The class began to laugh silently, as if not trying to hurt Eren's feelings. It only crushed Eren more.

Levi began to look annoyed.
"So, you gonna get up, or keep staring like an idiot?" Eren looked up. He was definitely going to be popular. Sadly, Eren wasn't... at all.

Surprisingly, Levi looked behind him, at the class. He gave them a death glare. Everyone stopped. Silence filled the air.

Levi stared down at him. "The floor is filthy. Remember? C'mon. I'm Sorry."

He held out his hand, waving it around. "You gonna take it or what?"

Eren blushed deeply. You could hear people whisper "he's so gay!" And "homo!"

Levi turned around again. "Did I not hint you brats to shut the fuck up?!"

Principal Hanji came back inside. Okay there will be a new teacher in by Thursday. Tomorrow you students can stay home, we don't have a substitute. For now though, I'll be filling in.

"Shit" all the students mumbled in unison.
After a whole morning of experimenting and disecting frogs, it was finally time for lunch. "Wait Levi and Eren stay behind."

"Okay." They both said.

"Eren show Levi around the school. Then go eat lunch."

They awkwardly walked down the halls. "Tell me Jaeger, what's this school like?" Eren was looking down, trying not to reveal the fact that he was blushing for no reason. "I hate it here. Church two times a month, uniforms, mean teachers, endless work and recess. I hate it all."

"Really... well I was homeschooled. I hated that more than anything. But we'll see." Said Levi.

"You don't get to do much here. Plus, there's no rights. You can't even date the same gender."

Levi's eyes widened. Why would Eren worry about gay rights? Unless... "Jaeger, are you gay?"

Levi needed to know if there was someone there, who was gay like himself.

"W-what i m-mean no of um coarse not! Er. That's n-none of your concern!"




"Okay. Well, anyway, I hate the social rights here. Plus I'm considered a loser here! Why would I like it?"

Levi was caught off guard. He was considered a... loser? "How could you be considered a loser I mean look at you you're hot!" Levi said, without hesitation. His words echoed down the hall as he realized what he just said.
Then there was silence. Eren stopped walking. "shit what did I just do!?" Levi thought.

"Y-you think I'm h-hot?..."

There was no turning back now."I'm assuming you have a girlfriend? "

"What no I'm a loser but heh I bet you could get anyone you wanted."

"Oh really?"

"Well the guy I like, I mean the girl, is probably unavailable forever."

"I get it." Said Levi. Unamused.

Eren exhaled. "Bi. "

"What did you just say?"
"I said I'm Bi. Don't tell."

Levi shuddered in excitement at what he just heard. "You are... Bi?"

"Yes now quiet down. They'll suspend me."

Levi looked down, only to see eren blushing. "I won't... or will i?"

Eren panicked. "Don't you fucking dare!"

"I won't. You should know, i'm gay. Now our secrets are even. Brat."

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