rehearsal numero uno pt.2

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"And that's a wrap on choreography for today," I say as the main cast finishes marking through what I had taught them. "You guys can take a quick five, I'm going to get Andy and the ensemble, and since I'm in the ensemble I'm going to run it with them, then we'll do it as a group," I say before leaving the room. 


Daveed's POV

I was sitting next to Groff when they started the ensemble run-through. My eyes almost immediately caught Mystique as she fell into the rhythm of the choreography. For a person who says they haven't danced in years, she seems to be doing it perfectly. 

"She's good isn't she," Groff says from next to me. Probably noticing my staring. 

"Yeah, you can't even tell she hasn't danced in years,"

"Yeah, she didn't really want to give it up in the first place,"

"Then why did she?"

"It started with just taking a break after her dad died, it just went downhill from there," Groff says watching the ensemble run through the piece. "It's not really my story to tell so I'm just going to leave it at that," I nod in understanding looking back at the group eyes immediately landing on Misty. I don't know what my brain was thinking, but I couldn't keep my mind off this damn woman.


Misty's POV

"Ok, awesome, nobody has died yet," I say once the ensemble is done running through My Shot. "So let's all take a quick break and then we'll run all three numbers with the main cast," I finish with a smile before the group disperses. I walk over to where my stuff was noticing Jon and Daveed both sitting there.

"Hey," Jon says as I walk up to them. "Looking good out there,"

"Really?" I ask narrowing my eyes as I grab my water bottle.

"Yeah, you're doing amazing," Daveed says and my eyes flicker to his. Something in me changes when our eyes meet, something so small I could barely notice it. I feel my face get slightly red as I turn my focus away.

"Thanks you guys," I say with a slight smile as Jon's eyes go back and forth from me and Daveed. 

"What was that?" Jon questions looking at me. 

"What was what?" I ask looking back at him. 

"That- what? you guys- huh?" Jon says not being able to make a full sentence. I look at Daveed before we start laughing. 

"I have no idea what you're going on about but we have to get started again, so if you need a minute make it fast," I say before turning around. 


"And that's a wrap for today," I say after we finished running My Shot as a whole group. "Andy if you could send over the notes you've got I will send out all notes tonight, you guys are free to go," I watch as the group goes to retrieve their stuff as I go through my mental checklist of choreography for the next couple weeks. 

"Hey Mist you coming?" Jon's voice wakes me from my daze. 

"I actually uh have to stay for a little longer," I say giving him a sheepish look. 

"Come on Mist, you just had a late-night working last night. and the night before that. and the week before that.  You're going to work yourself dead," Jon says walking up to me. 

"I know, I know, but there is this thing in Helpless that I just need to think through,"

"We aren't going to be doing helpless until like next week,"

"I know, I know but I need to do this. I'm sorry. I'll be home by dinner, I promise," I say looking at him. 

"Ok," He sighs starting to back towards the door. "But I'm making your favorite tonight, and after we are having a relaxing movie night, keyword relaxing,"

"Ok Groff," I say with a slight chuckle. "Text me when you get home," I say as he leaves the studio. 

"Will do," I hear him shout back. 

A/N: here is another one for you guys today :) ~M

Dandelions ~Daveed DiggsWhere stories live. Discover now