Chapter 3 - Sweet little babies

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For the following days, the Cold Palace was quite deserted. Due to Tyler receiving the previous Empress' intense feelings, he felt down and wouldn't let anyone near his resting quarters.

He would only let his baby buns inside and stay there for the rest of the day. And also, turns out that Zixin already gave birth 7 months ago and named the baby, Zhang Xuan Lou, a ger.

The previous empress Zixin had three sons; The eldest, Zhang Xuan Hu which is six years old, then the twins which are both three years old, and baby Lulu is 7 months old.

The next day, Tyler decided to finally go outside. He made a baby carrier with blankets to carry baby lulu while the twins followed their mom. They looked  around the large garden but instead of a dazzling and beautiful place, Tyler was met with a dead and brown colored garden.

The weeds were rotting, the bushes were all withered and the trees were drained out of life. Even just the atmosphere was depressing. 'well...what do you expect of the cold palace...sigh, this place needs cleaning!...'

As Tyler was thinking of how to improve the garden, a silhouette on top of the roof was seen on the ground then it suddenly vanished.

Tyler was suddenly struck of the thought if that man was an assassin. No matter what era he is in, there are still hidden dangers lurking in the shadows.

Then a thought suddenly hit him; did it come to kill him? or the baby bun? If that man was thinking of the first one then he can just kill the assassin, but if its the second...He would just heal and torture him to keep him alive and ask for who the master mind is. It looked like that guy used some special technique to move around swiftly without making a sound. If that guy were ever to get any closer to his babies, he would torture him and also ask for that technique...

But for now, he should first prioritize on making the garden sparkle like never before...

The next day, Tyler asked one of his personal servants, Xiao Shou to round up all the servants who are assigned to the cold palace. When all the servants are lined up, Tyler said...

"There is something that I want all of you to do and I do not tolerate laziness..."

Tyler was quite skeptical since what the previous owner of the body was quite rude and annoying but unexpectedly, the servants were quite disciplined and humble, not like the one from before. But since they were acting like that, Tyler was satisfied and then said...

"I want all of you to work on the palace garden and you shall all get rewarded if you have done a good job..."

  To say the least, the servants were shocked. Why wouldn't they? When the Empress always shout or plain old beat them whenever he was mad. But they still had to follow their empress' orders.

"We understand, your Highness..." and they all went to get the gardening tools.

While all the servants were cleaning the garden, Tyler decided to clean his own room. But Xiao Shou stopped him and said...

"You are the Empress of the Empire, Your highness should not sully your hands with this things..." and took me and the little baby bun outside to just take a walk.

I sighed then just let the little one to run around. Just then it struck me, where was the little one's twin brother?! He was just here a second ago. I turned around and gently called the little baby bun and asked if he knows where his twin brother is.

The baby nodded and lightly took my hand and led me to the other wing of the cold palace. This cold palace was truly ginormous, It could even fit a twelve-person family and a lot more cousins.

After the fifteen minute walk, they come to an old and depressing library. Tyler pushed open the old and rusty door and was met by accumulated dust and both he and lulu sneezed.

  "I think lulu needs to stay here, fang hu will you be a good big brother and stay and watch your brother for me?..."

  "Okay, I will mommy..."

The library hall was dark and the only source of light was the opened door. Tyler stepped in, searching 

The two were giggling cutely but were interrupted by a book that fell on the floor.

Suddenly, a cute ball of white fur poked out of the table. The little ball of fluff was shaking and felt scared but it looked more cuter.

Just then a hand was seen, then feet, and then large and beautiful crystal red eyes. Tyler quietly watched as a little white haired child crawled out of nowhere but what shocked Tyler the most was by how the little child's eyes were glowing so brightly in such a dark room.

Tyler smiled fondly at the little one and reached out to the mucky looking child and said...

"Hello baby, sorry if mommy was not a good mommy but can you still give me a chance to be a good and loving mommy?..."

The white haired child stared at Zixin then to his twin brother who also hugged him, then the tears started to form and the little one wailed loudly along with his raven haired brother.

Tyler was heart broken to see his own child wail so loudly. He didn't have parents since he was abandoned and the shelter that he was in got tangled up in the underground.

After many years of staying underground, he was trained on the art of assassination and became one of the most well known assassin up to this day.

But he also managed to run away from them and started his own assassination groups.

He carried the two meat buns and hugged them tightly like he had found his greatest treasure in his entire life. But they also need clean baths.

Tyler then told Xiao Shou to prepare a hot bath for him and baby Feng Ha and baby Feng Hu. Bright and cheerful giggles and laughs could be heard from the cold palace.

While the mother-and-sons were bonding together, a sour and gloomy atmosphere was felt at the Imperial court at the moment.

The person sitting in the golden throne was emitting such negative aura that the Imperial guards were trembling while the ignorant ones were rambling about their problem.

The Emperor was boiling with rage at the nobles, arguing about something as irrelevant as 'paying for taxes on time' when all of this were their own doing, and they even want the people to pay higher taxes when they can't even eat three proper meals.

The Emperor was about to burst in anger, when his eunuch told him of the happenings in the cold palace, his gloomy and dark mood turned into confusion.

The Emperor was once the Empress' childhood sweetheart but because of the Emperor's identity and responsibility of a royal, he was forced to stay and take lessons everyday until they grew more distant.

"Are you telling the truth Ji Rou?..."

"Yes, Your majesty. He seems to have changed. He took care of the fifth and sixth princes and organized the cold palace's garden..."

The Emperor was skeptical so he sent Ji rou and Gutou to the cold palace and observe and protect the twins and also to monitor the Empress...

"We'll find if you really changed or not Zhao Li Zixin, and if not I'll take the children from you..."

Deadly, Beautiful, Male Empress [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now