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Those are the uncorrupted logs of Admiral Vega the captain of the lost seed ship Behemoth, the ship was lost over two hundred years ago and the sole surviving shuttle was found adrift outside the sol system on September 30th year 4399. The logs became available to the public a few years later after they had been restored and the AI core was recovered and confirmed the crew logs recovered, up until it shut itself down. The shuttle's from that time were built with a sleeper beacon, a system that could function with no active energy flow so if the shuttle was dead adrift it could be found and the same could be done in reverse. The G.D.F has arranged for a small crew of ten to use the sleeper beacon to trace back to the Behemoth and return it to Luna or salvage any material that can be recovered if returning it isn't an option. Among the crew are myself Roxy Stull, the technical specialist for this mission. The others on the crew are Captain Kaji Kiki and three engineers Okan Sumi, Conner Sharpey and Thane Esperon all of which had the usual issues of male crewmen for these jobs, arrogant and self absorbed but Captain Kiki seemed to be fond of them. The remaining five members of our crew are security detail provided by the G.D.F all Equipped with pulse rifles and body armour since it was unclear as to what happened to the crew of the Behemoth and they needed to be prepared in case something was still onboard.

I haven't had much time to get to know any of them except Lieutenant Silva Grives, she's the leader of the security detail that was provided. She was the only one to take off her helmet and actually talk with the rest of the crew.

This mission is my first outer system job since I joined the recovery agency I work for and the logs make me nervous about what we'll find once we arrive. Part of the supplies that we were sent from the G.D.F was the AI Zeta and I've been assigned as its caretaker and we've been instructed not to activate it until we arrive at the Behemoth. We had to prepare to work in an oxygen free environment and restart the Behemoths massinversion systems to restore the power then we can figure out what needs to be repaired to return it to Luna.

After three long days of somber silence and awkward small talk we arrived at the Kuiper belt outside the sol system and we navigated through the comets and meteoroid till we rounded an asteroid and the Behemoth came into view, it was floating ominously in a clearing allowing for a simple approach to the closest airlock. Our shuttle shook as it locked its docking bridge to the hull around the airlock and started to pressurize the inside. After we put on our EVA suits and linked our communicators as the magnetic boots let us cling to the floor and walk normally, I activated Zeta and downloaded it into my suit systems.

"Greeting...error... where is admiral Vega...error... internal time does not match hardware time... explain"

Zeta said as myself and the others crossed the bridge to the airlock

"Sorry Zeta you've been offline for two hundred years and we are about to recover your ship"

I explained and gave Zeta access to the mission briefing I was given before we left. We crowded around the Behemoths airlock

"A preliminary scan using your Suit systems shows the Behemoths security lockdown activated before complete power failure, power must be restored before airlock A-22 can be released"

Zeta explained as it lit up the access panel to the left of the airlock on my heads-up display. I pressed a small hand held power cell to the panel of the Behemoth's airlock restoring power to that single system letting it open and giving myself and the other access inside. A strange spore like particles floated in the airlock that shouldn't be there. As we entered the communication system we shared, it started emitting static for a few seconds before returning to normal. I repeated the process with the inner airlock and saw more spores floating around the pitch black halls.

"Zeta how far in the main reactor form here"

"The main Massinversion reactor is located approximately two hundred kilometers towards the stern and seven-teen floors up"

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