Chapter 21

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The spring had come. Before anybody could realize it, it was March already. Jennie had opened an account under her son's name secretly. She cashed in a check from Jisoo every month without touching any cent of it. After she leaves for Australia, the money would go to Yohan. She hoped that it could lessen her guilt for leaving him in the future.

She made precautionary measures to hide her secret from Jisoo's trace. She always took the money in cash from his account then deposited it to her son's account. She knew Jisoo was smart, he would know where the money went if she transferred it directly to Yohan's. The idea brought a giggle to her lips. She felt that they were like playing hide & seek. She had found an excitement rushing through her to beat Jisoo in everything.

One day, Jennie went shopping around downtown with Irene. The weather was so nice. Spring announces its arrival in Seoul with a blanket of yellow and white blossoms spreading over the city. Cherry blossoms, apricot flowers, and cornus fruit trees have started to bloom. After clearing Jisoo's check at the bank, Jennie and Irene walked into a nice café for lunch. Today she had several hours to indulge herself after tucking Yohan to his bed.

"I'm starving, Jennie-ah. Let's go for lunch." Irene suggested, as her stomach began to growl.

Jennie stopped and remained silent.

"It's my treat." Irene said, grabbing her hand into the café.

"How do you know I'm broke?" Jennie asked playfully, with a big smile on her face. Irene set her eyes on her.

"I just know. Plus, you're not spending a lot now." Both of them burst out in laughter.

"But Irene, be careful, you might end up as broke as I am. You should know that I eat a lot now," She teased her best friend.

"That's alright. You can order anything you like. I'll just send the bill to your husband so you can pay me back," Irene teased back.

Jennie frowned and then pouted attractively, "You dare to threaten me with his name."

"Why not? Who doesn't know the Kims in this country?" She answered while chuckling to herself.

Jennie immediately put her hand on Irene's lips. "We are in public, Irene. I don't want anyone to know about it. Only you beside my family know about him and me. You promised me to keep it a secret," She glared at Irene.

"Oops, sorry, Jennie-ah."

"Never mind," Jennie brushed it off. "Let's go. I want a table next to the window. I need some fresh air after being stuck at home for the past months."

The waiter led them to their table and gave them time to pursue their menu. Irene was reading the menu seriously while Jennie had already put the menu down.

"What do you want to order?"

"A glass of orange juice."

"What?" Irene lifted her face. She looked at her quizzically.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You know I'm on a diet. I'm trying hard to get my shape back, but he always brings all those delicious food that I can't resist. He's destroying my efforts. He's so evil." Jennie said with an amused tone.
Irene frowned, as she didn't catch up with her meaning, "Who is he?"

"Irene, don't pretend that you don't know who I'm talking about. Of course him, Jisoo," Jennie whispered the last word. She was terrified that other people might hear her voice. Irene looked at her bewilderedly as she noticed that Jennie's face became a bit red when she mentioned Jisoo's name.

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