Chapter 35

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Sipping his third glass of wine at the corner of the famous bar at Sherwood Seoul Hotel, Jisoo remembered the first time he met Jennie. His mind was wandering when they met two years ago. That happened here, in this place, when his friend's girlfriend, was having her birthday party. He was smoking his cigarette and drinking his wine in this same table at the same corner when he spotted her entering the bar with her friend whom later he knew called Irene. With her simple, yet stunning appearance, she captured his eyes. Her huge beautiful eyes, her long lashes, her perfect skin, her long black hair and her peach soft lips, he could still remember them all. She had made his heart beat erratically that night, especially when she smiled prettily with her big sparkling eyes.

He remembered how he put her as a BET for his reputation as a famous playboy against his friends. When she refused to talk to him, he felt anger burning in his heart. Which girl on this earth could refuse his charms? She was so arrogant, snobbish and didn't even look at him. However, she agreed to dance with him gracefully for one song. He smiled recalling their dance that night. When she refused to continue their dance and gave him a sour face, he felt humiliated. He, Kim Jisoo, the most eligible bachelor in Seoul had to swallow the humiliation from a common girl liked Kim Jennie. He made a short decision to get her. After swallowing one for himself to brave his coward heart which was screaming loudly to remind his mind not to hurt her, he DRUGGED her.

He closed his eyes as he felt a pain stabbing at his heart again, "Oh God. What have I done in the past?" He said, silently. He raked his fingers to mess his hair. He sipped his drink again. He couldn't remember what exactly happened after he went to her room. This fact made him frustrated. The drug had made him lose his control and his consciousness at the same time. By the time he was sobered from the drug, he saw her beneath him, naked and tears were on her pale face. He saw tears on her lashes, saw her mouth, bruised and swollen from his harsh kisses. He looked at her arms, at his fingers which were gripping tightly on her flesh. He saw her beautiful face showing a painful expression that he would never forget for the rest of his life. When he heard her loud scream followed by a loud bang of the hotel room door to force it opened, he quickly covered her naked body with the blanket before covering himself.

'I must have done something horrible that night. I wish I know what exactly I was doing to her. Please God, don't let her remember the pain on that night.' He prayed silently to himself. He couldn't believe himself until now that he was a rapist!

Jisoo drank his wine again, feeling the loneliness he had ever felt in his whole life. His princess was gone, forever, and he had to spend the whole life by himself. His heart felt like it was stabbed, as he imagined his Jennie was carrying Jong-in's baby, not Yohan. He couldn't accept it. He couldn't believe that she was out of his life forever. He would never see her beautiful smile, or hear her laughter when he teased her, or feel the sweetness of her lips when he kissed her or the caress of her caring glance.

He sat back on his chair still recalling his life with Jennie during these past two years, which had been going through ups and downs. The anger, hatred and disgust look from her face along with her harsh words flashing across his mind.


"I won't forgive you for the rest of my life. Now, get out of my sight."


"Why do I have to waste my time talking to a bastard like you?! It's enough. Enough. Leave me alone."


"For several times already, I'm telling you. I WON'T FORGIVE YOU! Do you understand plain English? Oh God."


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