Chapter 36

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******WARNING****** A long awaited events :)

They were hand in hand, walking together at the Sydney Darling Harbor waterfront. Jong-in had asked her to dine at Sydney's most exciting dining area, looking at the water and the city skyline. They walked through the Harbor side, which offered a superb selection of quality dining in a relaxed waterfront environment.

"Jen, what do you want to eat tonight?" Jong-in asked, smiling brightly.

Jennie turned her head to him and smiled back, "I don't know. You decide."

Jong-in laughed a bit, "It's not you, Jen. You usually decide for us. Look, the atmosphere is superb. There's the sun still shining in the summer until late night."

She smiled again, to him and shrugged her shoulders, letting him decide. However, her eyes were staring at the Italian restaurant in front of them.

Jong-in looked at her and turned his head to see where her eyes were staring at, "Ok. We will have Italian dinner tonight." He said, while holding her hand to enter the Italian restaurant at the Cockle Bay Wharf.

They entered an Italian restaurant with candlelight's flickering all over the place. Jong-in talked to the receptionist and asked for a table. Jennie looked around. This lovely restaurant was almost full and being decorated by antiques ornaments to welcome the guests. She spotted that there's a vase of a single lilies at every table.

Suddenly, her eyes were getting hot. She remembered her first date with Jisoo. They went to an Italian restaurant too, with almost the same candlelight dinner like this one to celebrate his birthday. She could recall how Jisoo's face was blushing in embarrassment when he asked her about her weird carving and she teased him back. She felt a single tear dropping from her big eyes. She quickly wiped her tears away before Jong-in looked at her. Could she be able to erase her memory of those lovely moments with Jisoo easily?

"Jen, let's go. We have a table looking at the waterfront." Jong-in's voice startled her from her daydreaming.

She nodded, took his hand and went to their table.

They sat down. The waiter gave them a menu list. Jong-in was looking at the list seriously while Jennie's mind still wandered about her first dinner with Jisoo, 'Why is it so hard to forget him?!' Her heart cried out.

"Jen, are you ready to order?"

Jennie stared at Jong-in who was waiting for her. Without looking at the menu, she said blankly, "I would like Tagliatelle with mushroom, a bowl of Greek Salad and a glass of orange juice." She closed the menu list and gave it to the waiter.

The waiter knitted his eyebrows and said to her politely, "I'm sorry, madam, we don't have Tagliatelle on our menu list. Would you like to change with others?"

Jennie was stunned, "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it. I would like to have an Italian pizza. Thanks." She said, a little bit nervous. Her face was troubled as her heart was crying out for the precious memory of HIM! She tried to smile to hide her embarrassment.

Jong-in watched her in puzzled. Jennie was different since she came to Australia. She used to be a cheerful, bubbled and lightly person, yet she had changed into a quiet and calm girl as if she didn't have an optimism in her life. He remembered when he picked her up at Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport. Paled liked a white sheet, her face looked terrible. Her eyes were red and swollen. Had she been crying during her 9 hours flight from Seoul to Sydney? He asked her and she refused to tell him, saying she was tired. However, he didn't believe it. There must have been something wrong with her. Within the three days after she stepped her feet on Sydney, she was lying on bed. Sick. He watched her worriedly as he could see sadness in her eyes every time their eyes met, 'What happened to you, Jen? Where has the bright shine in your eyes gone to? Had that bastard hurt you badly?!' His heart pounded in pain.

However, in front of her, Jong-in acted as if he didn't feel anything wrong with her. He chatted with her lightly about his job and his plans for their future. Jennie was listening to him and forced a happy smile on her face.

She watched him telling his extraordinary awards that he got. He was also telling her about his plans to open his own consultant company.

Jong-in is so different with Jisoo. Jisoo always wanted to hear her story with enthusiasm. Jisoo had never told his cleverness openly even though she knew that Jisoo is successful in his new business. He is brilliant and smart, and Yohan inherited his brain from him. She added proudly as she knew Jisoo always put himself in a low-profile status. Jennie smiled with a teary-eyed. Jisoo is a romantic person. What would he do if he asked his girlfriend to marry him? Jong-in wasn't as romantic as Jisoo. He always said straightly to the point while Jisoo was full of sweet words, full of surprised. Oh God, what was she doing? Why did she always compare Jong-in with Jisoo? It wasn't fair for both of them. Why did she always try to find HIM in this awkward crowd? She asked herself in despair. She turned her head to look outside to the waterfront, fighting her tears.

After their dinner, Jong-in asked her to enjoy a spectacular concert under the stars at the Summer Concert of Sydney's biggest jazz festival. She nodded, as she didn't want to disappoint him with her muddle mind. She needed time, a light atmosphere, to forget HIM! They took their seats in the third row. Jennie closed her eyes for a second, praying to God that she could erase Jisoo's image from her mind. She just wanted to be with Jong-in, only Jong-in. Her mind told her. However, to her frustration, she failed. His handsome face and his unique grins were haunting her in her breath. If she continued like this then she would end up in a psychiatrist's chair.

The voice of a singer sang the love ballads interrupting her from her daydreaming.

'We have come so far to leave it all behind
I wonder why
why did you go away?
You left me all alone no words can say
my love, please stay'

She closed her eyes imagining Jisoo singing the song for her. Her heart was wrenched in pain again. If he said my love, please stay, then she wouldn't be here in Sydney, feeling lonely even though Jong-in was by her side always. She concentrated on the song that had taken her heart and mind again, to the man she loved the most, Jisoo.

'You and I, we have moment left to share
You and I, we can make it anywhere
You and I, we belong in each other's arm
That can be the world of love
Now I know we can have it all forever.'

Jennie opened her gloomy eyes and said silently in her heart, 'You and I, we don't belong in each other's arm. You and I, we don't have the moment left to share, and we couldn't have it forever, Jisoo-ah.'
The beautiful voice from the main stage was still singing the next phrase.

'Each night I pray
We can be together once again
Forever more we stay
and love this way no matter what they say
Until the end

(Taken from FOREVER, sung by Regine Velasquez)'

The claps from the audiences had taken her back to the present again. Jennie clapped her hands to give the singer applause along with the audiences. How beautiful the lyric was, yet she didn't have a confidence, as she believed Jisoo didn't love her. How could their love reach until the end if he didn't love her back? Her heart screamed out again.

The next day, they went to the Rocks, the heart and soul of Sydney that what the advertisement said. They visited the Sydney Observatory and indulged themselves with great food along with a breathtaking harbor view. When they reached the Rocks Market, Jennie couldn't help herself to look at the art crafts and many little cute things.

Jennie explored the market from one side to another side. When she came to the kids section, her heartbeat stopped. They were selling lovely books for children. Her hand took a book, titled 'My first encyclopedia' with multiple colors. She felt a pain piercing her heart. She remembered her son. Although Yohan was only one-year old, he had showed his cleverness in every aspect. He always asked something new with his own words, 'What's that?' and he desperately needed an answer. He wouldn't stop bugging someone until he got an answer and asked the same question again. Sometimes he drove her mad with his innocent questions, especially when she was busy studying. She didn't know how Jisoo handle him when he brought him back to his apartment every night. She had never asked him and Jisoo had never told her.

She had caught her son opening her textbook as if he was being able to read. He definitely tried hard to copy her gesture reading a book. She smiled proudly without her realization. Yohan would grow up to be a smart and bright boy. She believed that. She didn't know if Jisoo noticed Yohan's extraordinary abilities, "What are you doing, Yohan? Do you miss Omma?" She asked, silently. Her eyes were glistering with tears. She blinked several times to fight back those tears. Yohan must be delighted to see this book. She had taught him how to differentiate colors. Although he was too young to understand, he could do it. Nobody would believe that Yohan had an intelligence like a two year old toddler. He was really a smart, genius little boy, like his father. She added the last word silently, yet proudly. Jisoo always said that Yohan had inherited his image but he insisted that Yohan got his brain from her. Jennie smiled, as she knew Jisoo had always talked to her sweetly. He was just a sweet talker. She couldn't hide her smile.

She paid for the book quickly and put it into her shopping bags before Jong-in saw it. She looked around to find Jong-in and to her relief, Jong-in was still in the art crafts section. Maybe she would send the book to Yohan later, but what was the point? She had promised herself to forget them, father and son. Would they forget her as well? Her heart was bleeding. How fate was too cruel to her. Why did she have to meet Jisoo? Why did they have a son? Why did fate make her choose between the two of them? She shook her head slightly and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She went to the other side of the market, as she didn't want to see Jong-in with her teary-eyed.

After spending some wonderful times with Jong-in during his annual holiday, Jennie finally found a small apartment for herself. She rented a studio apartment in the Kensington area near to her workplace. She got a job as a design consultant at a structure engineering company, starting from the third of April. Jong-in had helped her moved from his apartment this morning, but he couldn't help her to arrange her things in her new apartment, as he had to go back to his office.

Jennie started to open her belongings and put her clothes into the wardrobe and drawer beside her double bed. In the middle of putting her clothes, she spotted a white big envelope beneath her clothes. Her heartbeat stopped. She pulled out the envelope and stared at it sadly. It was the gift of her freedom from Jisoo at the airport. Although she knew its content she opened it and pulled the paper out from its envelope. She saw the bold letters saying

'Petition of Divorce between Kim Jisoo and Kim Jennie Ruby Jane.

She flipped to the last page and saw Jisoo had signed his name already. She felt tears pricking into her eyes. Finally they were divorced. Jisoo had given his signature so they could apply for a divorce officially. How she wished he would forget this distressing paper that would separate them forever. She couldn't help the tears from flowing down her cheeks, as her heart was deeply hurt. Tears were blurring her sight and she blinked several times to make sure that Jisoo had signed. She sighed, as her eyes didn't tell her a lie. He finally agreed to divorce her.

That was what she always wanted, right? Her mind told her. One moment, she felt relieved as she could continue her original plan to have a future with Jong-in but then, she was drowning in misery as she finally made sure that Jisoo didn't want her. Maybe that was the best decision for both of them. It was good that she knew Jisoo had never loved her. His only interest was his son. She would have never felt guilty to him. She owed him nothing. However, she couldn't hide her disappointment and hurt. She was nothing to him. She had dreamt far away from the reality.

Jennie put the paper back into the envelope and sealed it. Tomorrow she would send it back to his lawyer, Jimin, and the process of their divorce could start soon. She had promised Jong-in to marry him in May. Jong-in had asked her again, and she nodded quickly as she wanted to get out from this unbearable pain instantly without any further thinking. She couldn't live like this. She needed a REASON to forget HIM!

After the ceremony, they would fly to New Zealand to have their honeymoon. Jong-in had planned carefully about their honeymoon trip. They would stop over at Auckland for two days and then, hired a car to explore the beautiful country downed to South Islands. They would explore Rotorua, Lake Taupo, Napierand took a ferry at Wellington. Christchurch and Queenstown were part of their stopping place before they reach Mt. Cook to see the everlasting snow. Jong-in was so enthusiastic planning this trip. Jennie just nodded and forced a smile when he asked for her approval.

Jennie walked slowly to her apartment at Kensington. The sun had gone down quickly as it was near winter in Australia. Although it was still the first week of April the sky darkened quickly. She zipped her jacket, as she felt cold. She carried a big box in a big paper bag in her hand. She just came back from one of the wedding specialist gown at Queen Victoria Building at George Street. They had finished her wedding gown and now she had to try it on. She would marry Jong-in in three weeks. When she told her mother about their wedding plan two weeks ago, her mother was crying slightly. She didn't understand what was going on there but she got a feeling something happened in Seoul. However, nobody wanted to tell her.

Passing the main garden before she got into her apartment building, she saw a man sitting on the wood garden chair, underneath the lamppost. She looked at him from afar. He's an Asian. Her heart was beating fast. Jisoo? He looked like Jisoo. His figure looked like his, but this stranger was too skinny compared to Jisoo. She narrowed her eyes as she was facing his back. He was looking blankly at the view in front of him. He wouldn't see her as he was facing the opposite way. She shook her head. He wasn't Jisoo. He looked terrible. His hair was messy and he was smoking, too. Jisoo used to smoke but he had stopped his bad habit since two years ago, as she didn't like a smoker. She shook her head again. Maybe, she needed help from a psychiatrist urgently. She felt a big encouragement to find Jisoo wherever she was. It wasn't normal. She said to herself. Taking her last look at the stranger, she walked quickly to her apartment. Who was he? Why was he sitting alone in the park? Why did he carry a handbag as if he was only relaxing himself at the park?

Closing the door, Jennie put her bag on the sofa. She saw a red light flashing on her answering machine. Pressing the button, she put herself down on the sofa and started to open the bag. She had to try it on as she promised the gown maker whether she felt comfortable or not. She walked to her bedroom and unbuttoned her clothes while her answering machine told her the messages she got, "Jennie, don't forget to go to your wedding gown maker. You promised to pick it up since last Sunday. I will come by your apartment tonight. See you, honey." The voice of Jong-in broke into the silent atmosphere.


"This is a message for Miss Kim Jennie. I'm Park Jimin, Kim Jisoo's lawyer. Could you please call me back at Seoul office? It's very important. Thank you."


"Jennie, its Mom." Then, the sound stopped for a while as if the person on the other line was controlling her cries, "Call me as soon as you get back. Ok? I'm waiting, Jennie."


"Jennie, this is Irene. Where have you been? Don't forget to finish the design for Mr. Lee by Friday, and he wants to meet you in person to discuss the design. Thank you."

Jennie frowned as she recalled the call from Jimin. What was wrong? Why did he say something important? It must have been something regarding the divorce between Jisoo and her? She had tried hard to forget Jisoo and the voice of Jonghyun disturbed her mind again. Did Jisoo married Soojoo already?

She took a deep breath. Why did the problems never let her live in peace? And what happened with her family as she heard her mother was hiding her sobs? She would call her after trying the wedding gown.

Dressed in a pale cream wedding gown, she looked lovely. She preferred white but Jong-in said it wasn't elegant. He wanted his bride in a creamy color as he said it was more natural than white. Moreover, he wanted Jennie to cut her shoulder-long hair, as he wanted her to be more mature, but Jisoo loved her long-shoulder hairstyle. Her heart protested in despair. Pulling out the zipper, she finally put the gown on her body perfectly. She stared at herself in the mirror. She smiled. She looked beautiful.

"Um...I don't know it fits me perfectly." She said to her image in the mirror, smiling lightly, "You look lovely, Kim Jennie. Oh no, I will change my name after that. Jennie Kim. Kim Jeong." She said again, pronouncing her future husband's name. *****(I just Put Family name of Kai Jeong, It's make me confuse because all Kim :))

She still stared at her mirror and continued grumbling, "Jennie Kim! Jennie Jeong! Jennie ! Jennie Kim!" She stopped, when she realized she was saying HIS name again. Suddenly, a big pain was stabbing her heart.

Her eyes turned hot as she stared at her own image muttering weakly, "Jennie Jeong. Jennie Kim. Jennie Jeong. Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim." She felt her body shaking terribly. Her legs were numb. She closed her eyes as her mind was crying out HIS name endlessly. Tears dropped from her lovely eyes before she had a chance to wipe it. She started to sob liked a little girl.

A loud ringing of her phone had taken her back to the present again. She walked to the living room to pick up the phone by the time the doorbell rang. Who was it?

She picked up the phone ringing endlessly, "Hello."

"Jennie! It's Mom! Where have you been?! Why don't you call me back?!" She heard her mother's angry tone. She swallowed her lump and sighed deeply as the bell rang again, 'Who was it? Oh, it must be Jong-in Oppa. He said he would come by tonight.' Her mind told her.

"Mom, could you please hang on for a second? I just want to open the door for Jong-in Oppa. I won't be long." Then, she put the phone handle, ignoring her mother's voice to protest.

"Coming." She said, as she heard the bell ringing again.

She opened the door with her annoying face. Why wasn't Jong-in a little bit more patient?

Like being struck by lightning, Jennie could only stare at him with her wide, incredulous eyes that was filled with shock, and pain.

"Hello Jen." Jisoo greeted her, weakly.

Jennie stared at him in disbelief. It's really Jisoo. He was wearing the same clothes as the guy who was sitting in the park before. He WAS the guy at the park. Dressed in a rumpled shirt, creased trousers and his face was unshaven, he looked terrible. He was too skinny for his figure. She could tell he had lost his weight more than 5kg since she saw him at the airport 6 weeks ago. His eyelids were heavy and he looked exhausted.

She turned her head to see his right hand as he was carrying a small handbag, "What...What are you doing here?"

Jisoo smiled bitterly with a big pain in his eyes. His eyes were glittering with tears. He met her again. After taking 9 hours non-stop flight from Seoul to Sydney, he finally met her. However, the mood was different. She was ready to marry her lover. She looked beautiful in her wedding gown. His heart wrenched in pain again. She would get married soon. He was too late. His angel would marry somebody else. She finally 'Fly' to the sky with another man, not him. His mind told him, "You look fabulous, Jen. You looked lovely." He said, ignoring her question. How he wished that he wasn't too late to fetch her back into his arms.

Jennie stared back at him. Their eyes met. What was going on? Why did he look terrible like that? Jisoo had never looked like that. Her heart screamed out.

"Jennie, is it alright if I come in?"

She nodded, still staring at him in despair. Her heart thundered in her ear. What does he want from her? Why did he came in the middle of her wedding preparation with Jong-in? Why did he came when she tried so hard to restore her life?

"Jen, I don't have enough time. I should go back to Seoul in one hour from now. I have been waiting for you outside your apartment since four hours ago. When I saw the light on, I know you are at home. Please don't be mad with your mother. I got your address from her." He stopped, gasping for his breaths. He stared at Jennie who was still standing blankly liked a statue.

Clearing his throat and pressing down his own emotion he said softly, "I know I'm too late. You are ready to marry your fiancé. Look at you now. I can't believe that you aren't an angel in disguise. You are so beautiful." He tried to smile at her.

Jennie couldn't say anything as her tears blurred her sight.

Taking a big sigh, he stared at her lovingly, yet painfully, "I think its best that I should leave."

She felt her heart breaking into thousands of pieces. Her breathing was worn out. Her legs were numb and still, she couldn't say anything as she shocked. She wanted to utter something but her mouth didn't want to open.

"I want to take you back with me to Seoul. I booked two tickets already to return to Seoul with you but...I guess I don't have the right to be in your life again." His dark brown eyes were gleaming with tears, "I'm sorry to bother your new life, Jen, but I have to tell you something before I regret it for the rest of my life." He stopped, as he tried to control his emotion. His voice was thick and husky. His body was trembling. He stared at her with a deep love in his eyes.

"I love you, Jennie. I always have and I always will. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart. I can't fight this feeling anymore and this love is making me crazy."

Jennie widened her eyes, stun in awe. For a second, she wondered if she misheard. She had longed to hear those words from him since a long time ago and finally those were falling from his lips now. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Jen, I should go otherwise I will miss my flight. I have to go now as someone very important in my life is waiting for me. Bye, Jen. I wish you happiness."

She still stood in the doorway, 'Someone very important in his life?! Who was it?! Who was it?!' Her mind cried out in despair. By the time, she had her mind back; he was gone from her sight. She ran to fetch him but he was gone, and she couldn't go out with her wedding gown liked this. She started to sob. Her heart was beating fast. She had to get changed. She had to run after him and tell him that she loved him, too. Oh God.

She quickly ran into her wardrobe to change her dress. She spotted the phone still waiting for her. Oh my God. She was talking with her mother before Jisoo came in. She took the phone and said in a trembling voice, "Hello, mom. Sorry I..."

"Kim Jennie! I'm angry with you! What do you think you are doing?!" Jennie was trembling as she heard her mother calling her name. She had never called her that. Only once when she got soaked from playing under the rain when she was in high school. Her mother was definitely angry with her.

"Sorry mom, I'm really sorry. I forgot that I was talking to you and..."

"Hold your breath and come back quickly with Jisoo, NOW! I said NOW! Do you hear me?"


"What?! Have you met Jisoo?! He's looking for you and going to take you back here to Seoul! Where is he?! Have he arrived, yet?! He should be!!" Jennie heard her mother muttering her harsh words in panic.

"Yes, he was here just now."

"He WAS there? What on earth happen? Why didn't you come back with him?"

Jennie took a deep breath as she didn't understand why her mother was scolding her suddenly. Before she could mutter a word, she heard her mother was sobbing hard.

"He's dying, Jennie! He's dying! You have to come back NOW! Why did you refuse to come back with Jisoo?! He went through a long journey from Seoul to Sydney to get you back! You are really cruel! Where's your heart, Jennie?!" Her mother yelled at her, while crying loudly.

Jennie felt her heart in her mouth. What did her mother say?! Who is dying?! Oh please God! Who is dying?! Her heart screamed in despair.

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