Chapter 27

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As the sunlight came through her window, Jennie got up quickly. She looked at her image in the mirror and sighed. She had spent the endless hour of the night deciding what she would do in the morning. Her big eyes were swollen as she was crying the whole night. Her face was normally creamy but this morning it was unnaturally pale. Looking at her image in the mirror, she looked as if she had just given blood, too much blood. She couldn't look like this, her mind told her. Shaking her head, she went to the bathroom, washing her face. She had to feed Yohan first before she took a bath otherwise his voice would wake her whole family up.


Staring at her son who was still in a deep sleep, she caressed his chubby cheek. He looked so peaceful in his dreams. Did Jisoo look the same as him when he was sleeping? She felt her eyes getting hot suddenly. She sighed and blinked several times to fight back the tears. She mustn't cry again, otherwise her big eyes would be swollen like panda's. She decided to wait until her baby woke up to feed him. She put herself on the chair and stared at a bouquet of roses in front of her. It was so small compared with Jisoo's huge number of yellow lilies. However, among the yellow lilies all over her room, these roses seemed like a candle in the dark. She took the bouquet and looked at it gently.

Irene might be right. All this time she was fascinated of Jisoo's glamourous side. He buried her with many expensive gifts that she had never had before in her ordinary life. It was normal that a simple girl like her would be flattered to receive his expensive gifts. Her mind told her. She touched her necklace and sighed deeply. Did Jisoo really mean it when he said that she was the star of his life or was it just another lie from his mouth only to make her surrender in his arms? She knew Jisoo had all the capabilities to flirt with girls. His reputation as a famous playboy proved it. Maybe, she was one of his victims. Maybe in the future, he would dump her like he did to his former girlfriends.

Yohan is the only reason that he treated her nicely. He love his son so much, she could tell from his act towards Yohan. He would do anything to give his baby the best as he always said to her including telling her a lie to make her get in his arms. He needed her to nurse his baby. Who could give his baby the best milk instead of his own mother? She thought to herself sadly and then, laughed a little bit in sarcasm. However, he looked so sincere, so thoughtful to her. Did her eyes lie to her?

Jong-in was different. He wasn't as romantic as Jisoo. He was more serious and matured. She could never act childishly in front of him as he always treated her as a woman, not a girl. He didn't like to joke around, everything was important in his eyes. He was so serious to handle a life liked he always reminded her that they had to struggle in life to achieve their dreams.

Maybe she had drowned into her teenager dream when she was hanging around with Jisoo. Being crazy of reading all the romantic novels within her high school time, Jennie always dreamed to meet a gorgeous, handsome, and romantic young prince. She smiled at her own thought. It has always been her dream to marry someone who would be her knight in shining armor, riding his white horse.

Meeting someone like Jisoo who could be a symbol of her prince charming with his good looks, smart, romantic, she believed that he could give her the world. She shook her head lightly. Jisoo was always her dream, not a reality.

Jong-in was her reality, her future. He was her first love. He helped her when she was crying alone in front of the library on the first day at the university. She got lost in the big place like Seoul University. She couldn't find her faculty building and missed the orientation as she arrived late.

From that time, she fell in love with him gradually as he gave his full attention & also helped her in her study. They started to date when she had known him for a year. She had never had any boyfriend before. Jong-in was the first guy who gave her so much attention. She was touched. She was attending an exclusive school for girls when she was in high school. Although, she studied engineering which boys were the majority of the class Jong-in didn't give them any chance to woo Jennie. He was always there with her, making a possibility for another guy to approach Jennie to be zero.

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