1. i'll be the next kid clare's doing a fast for at this rate

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"FORREST I'M GOING TO SHOVE THIS SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU'LL BE SHITTING LEGS FOR WEEKS!" Ivy screamed waving the fake spider that had previously been hidden in her makeup bag in the air wildly

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"FORREST I'M GOING TO SHOVE THIS SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU'LL BE SHITTING LEGS FOR WEEKS!" Ivy screamed waving the fake spider that had previously been hidden in her makeup bag in the air wildly.

"I'd like to see you try, am faster than a whippet me", Forrest retorted, laughing from the bathroom.

"I swear to fuck Forrest get out the bathroom I have to curl my hair before I leave!" The girl shouted. Forrest had been in the bathroom, according to Willow, for at least an hour now and Ivy had to leave to meet Erin, Orla and Clare in half an hour and she'd be damned if she made them late for school because her brother wouldn't get out the shower.

"Christ sake Ivy I'm out! Can't even have a bloody shower in peace..." He replied, Ivy desperately grabbing her curlers and running out of her room into the hallway, before stopping dead. Forrest had been in the shower - evident by the water running off his shoulders and chest - but had also emerged with freshly dyed blue hair.

"What the fuck Forrest, Mum's going to murder you", she hissed, "you look like a bloody smurf!"

"Don't you like it?" the blue haired boy asked, before putting on an extremely high voice and posing seductively, "I think it really brings out the colour of my eyes!"

She snorted, before matching his pitch, "Oh my God yes!! It'll match the bruise you'll get from Mum's slipper perfectly!" She gushed.

Forrest pushed past her, scoffing, giving her the middle finger as he walked into his room and slammed the door. Glancing at her watch and sighing, Ivy realised that she didn't have enough time to curl her hair and have breakfast, and opting for the latter, she shoved the curler into her bag hoping she'd find enough time to do it before David Donnelley's gig tonight and ran downstairs.

"Slow down Ivy!" Elizabeth Gallagher called before muttering quietly to her husband, "Honestly Michael, sounds like a herd of baby elephants coming down the stairs..."

"Alright Mum? Dad?" Ivy asked, kissing her dad on the cheek before sitting down next to Willow and putting a couple of pancakes on her plate.

"Absolutely grand sweetheart", Michael Gallagher said, not looking up from the script that he was currently reading, "going to take your granda to bingo later so we won't be home when you get back"

"I was gunna go to David Donnelley's gig tonight down The Rose but I'll be back by 10" Ivy promised, glancing at her parents to judge their reactions. They stared at each other, communicating between facial expressions and eyebrow raises before Elizabeth sighed and turned to face her eldest daughter.

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