4. where's the red carpet?

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After being excused by Sister Michael to "make her self decent", Ivy found herself sitting in Sister Michael's office for the second time that day and she was seriously wondering if the big man (God) had it out for her

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After being excused by Sister Michael to "make her self decent", Ivy found herself sitting in Sister Michael's office for the second time that day and she was seriously wondering if the big man (God) had it out for her. Forrest, who despite not being a student at Our Lady Immaculate College, was sat on the bench in between Clare and Michelle, with the talk of Sister Michael reporting him to the Derry police force for trespassing, was also on edge, and had taken to glancing warily at the clock above the woman every so often.

"Jesus", He breathed, looking around the room, uttering a quick (and panicked) apology to the picture of the man himself behind him.

Other than Forrest (who Ivy reckoned was off his head) no one dared talk, not even breathe loudly, in fear of angering the already ticked off Sister, and the knock on the door was enough to send a frazzled Clare into a trembling wreck.

"Enter", She spoke, and Mary Quinn stormed in - closely followed by the rest of the Quinn/McCool family.

"Erin, what in God's name?"

"Did you kill that wee nun, girls?" Gerry added, looking at the group suspiciously.

"Of course we didn't!"

Sarah then piped up: "Then why were you all half-naked, pissing on her dead body and making sandwiches?"

Forrest scoffed, "It's a Catholic school not a bloody rave", causing Ivy to reach behind Clare and slap him lightly.

"Say nothing, girls. Say nothing till we've seen a lawyer" Granda Joe added helpfully, rocking the baby in his arms.

"If you could all just take a seat" Sister Michael instructed, pointing to the array of mismatched chairs which the family began to move towards before the shouts of John Gallagher echoed down the hallway:

"Ach, this is fucking disgraceful Michael! Where's the red carpet? Cannot be walking down normal wood floors!"

A sigh was then heard, before Michael replied, his voice becoming louder as he walked closer to the door, "Da, please, be quiet. I'm perfectly able to walk down a hallway without a red carpet"

"I meant for me - you egotistical bastard, honestly, you direct some slightly better than average movies and you think it's all about you. Don't you forget I made you with your Ma... God rest her soul", and in entered the two, Granda John animatedly ranting to his exhausted son, his eyes resting on his eldest grandchildren, stifling laughs at his outburst: "Forrest, Ivy, apologise to the Sister and get your stuff. If we hurry I'll make it to bingo before it starts".

Pointing at the chairs which Erin and Orla's family now sat on, Sister Michael spoke, "Mr Gallagher, will you sit down please", the younger Gallagher mouthing a "sorry" to her as they took their seats.

The door burst open again suddenly, revealing Michelle's mum, "Sorry I'm late, Sister. Couldn't get over the bridge. This bloody bomb. I begged the Brits to let me take my chances, but the awkward bastards made me go the long way"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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