3. aye do you think that train of yours could run me over?

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"Please, Michelle!" Erin begged, sitting opposite the curly haired girl

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"Please, Michelle!" Erin begged, sitting opposite the curly haired girl.

"No!" She responded, swinging herself forward in her chair to take a handful of crisps, "I have no interest in David Donnelley's spazzmo band, besides Ivy and Forrest'll be there anyway"

Clutching onto a picture of who Ivy presumed was Kamal like he was the Virgin Mary, Clare gazed longingly at the crisps, mustering a weak "They look nice"

"Yeah but Forrest'll be doing sound back stage and Ivy'll be singing on stage Michelle. I need someone in the crowd with me"

"Are they nice?" Clare persisted.

Ivy leaned forward in her seat and took Erin's hands and smiled, "If you're so worried about being on your own I can ask Forrest if you can sit with him, if you're backstage you've got more chance of talking to David anyway"

The blonde nodded gratefully "Aye that'd be grand Ivy, really, but I wanna watch you guys from the crowd. Come on Michelle, you can watch Ivy too", prompting her to shake her head in defiance and point at Clare to suggest that she take her which was quickly shut down by the fasting girl saying "I'm so weak I can barely walk" generating eye rolls from Ivy and Erin.

"What about Orla?"

"Orla's..." Her cousin began, before being cut off by Orla herself: "I love my wee fingers" admiring them thoroughly, "Orla's mental. Come on, Michelle. I'm begging you. It's my big chance with David. I'd do it for you"

Eventually she gave into Erin's pleas and frustratedly said "Fine! But we both know you're gunna sit in the corner like a frigid fuck and get jealous of Ivy"

The blonde, who was now painting smiley faces on Orla's nails with her new nail polish, quickly turned around to say a confused "What?" to Erin, who completely ignored her friend as she denied being frigid, to which Orla added: "You've never even kissed a boy before. You practice on your pillow sometimes, but you don't think that's the same" causing Ivy to erupt into fits of laughter.

"The reading of the diary was bad enough", Erin scolded, "I could do without the quoting it from memory!", inching closer to her cousin who was sipping innocently from a juice cup.

"Michelle, would you mind showing me where the toilet is?" James cut through politely, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Turning to face him, Michelle shouted, "You are really starting to do my head in, do you know that?"

Just before Ivy could have a go at Michelle for being unnecessarily rude to her poor cousin, the tannoy rang and the secretary announced: "Will the following pupils please report to Sister Michael's office immediately - Erin Quinn, Orla McCool, Ivy Gallagher, Clare Devlin, Michelle Mallon, and the wee English fella. Thank you"

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