2. at least you know we have monkey bars?

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"Avon? Avon. Avon - we have a wee offer on there for hair removal cream, if you want to, with the... yep."

"Michelle!" Ivy poked the curly haired girl while offering an apologetic look at the victim of Michelle's insulting saleswoman tactics, "You can't just say stuff like that! What if she's really insecure? The poor girl"

"There's no seats down here" Erin commented, looking over Michelle's shoulder.

Gesturing to the first years at the back, Michelle offered a solution, "Just move them wee dicks"

"What?" Clare asked, clearly uncomfortable about confronting a group of people and asking them to move.

"Why should we sit up the front?" Michelle countered, looking pointedly at the young group, "We're fifth years they're fetuses. Come on", she exclaimed, grabbing Ivy and Erin with either hand, "Once they see Ivy and figure out who the fuck her Da is they'll freak out and fuck off down the front"

Giving her friend a disappointing look and sighing Ivy said, "I'm not gunna exploit my father just to get seats at the back of the bus Michelle..." but the dark haired girl had already forced the first years to give up their seats.

The particularly confident girl in the middle stood up for herself and her friends, causing Michelle to threaten to beat them up if they didn't move.

"Go on, then." The girl antagonised, causing the curly haired girl to ask "What?" before the girl clarified, "Beat me up."

Dumbfounded, Michelle replied: "Well not now. After school. We'll beat you up after school. Ivy'll bring her brother Forrest, Forrest Gallagher who broke David Donnelley's nose last year"

"Fuck off Michelle. Forrest isn't going to beat up a first year. And he didn't break David's nose, he tripped over his guitar wire and was so embarrassed he asked Forrest to say he broke it so he seemed cool that he got into a fight" Ivy laughed, remembering how her brother had then asked David to "Knock me about a bit so the story seems believable".

"Grand. I'll meet you after school, and you can beat me up", prompting Erin to question what was even happening. "I'll bring my sister Mandy. You might know her. Mandy O'Connell. She's in upper sixth"

"Well Forrest definitely won't beat her up then." Ivy laughed, "He's fucking terrified of Big Mandy"

Her eyes widening in horror, Erin asked the younger girl, "Big Mandy? Big Mandy is your sister?"

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