Macaque X Reader

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Macaque X Reader

[ Angsty-fluff ]
Requested by; Rubyofwater2
A/N: I probably made Lady Bone Demon worser than she is but it's whatever at this point.

Mentions of murder, almost dying, Suicide, Mentions of having a eating disorder, Mentions of being insecure about ones body weight.

If any of these can trigger you, then please leave for your safety! Continuing to read while knowing that these warnings can trigger you can cause a lot of mental problems such as: Mental Breakdowns, Triggering trauma, panic attacks, and much more. Please stay safe!
Enjoy :]

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Third POV:

You shot up with a loud, sharp gasp that even made you flinch from how loud it was. Your eyes were widened with shock mixed with fear. Your body felt sweaty and burning-lava hot, your breaths hastened by the second. Tears pricked at the tips of your eyes, threating to pour out, which they did as soon as you blinked.

You put your hands to your face and wipped the tears away. You see, you had a really bad nightmare about your past trauma that was cause by the one and only, Lady Bone Demon. Oh, how you despised her so very much.  She caused so many things for you, which every single one of those things were bad. She caused your family to turn against each other, to kill each other. Your dad killed your mom out of pure hatred because of Lady Bone. Lady Bone apparently told your dad so many bad, hell even disgusting lies about your mom, which caused your dad to kill her. Your dad then killed himself shortly after, he didn't want to deal or suffer from the  consequences of his own actions and he felt so much guilt from killing your mom that he killed himself. You highly doubt that he felt guilty though. Lady Bone then gave you an motherfucking eating disorder from her disgusting words. She always pointed out what foods you eat or were about to eat. She always pressured you into checking the calories on the boxes, containers, whatever had the calories labeled on it she made you check it. She made you extremely insecure about your body weight and shit and you hated her for that. You were even PUNISHED for eating too much.

You hated her so much for that.

You grabbed your phone and went to messages almost immediately. You quickly clicked on the person, " Emo Monkey 😍". The Person was Macaque and his name you had in your phone honestly made you chuckle a little bit, but it didn't fix your situation.

You shakily begin to type, "Hey Macaque can u come over? " and then quickly hit send. Macaque was usually up at this hour, 2:00am. He almost responded immediately, " It happened again didn't it?". You bite your bottom lip in out pure nervousness and from embarrassment. You always came to him with this kind of stuff and he came to you with this kind of stuff and a few other personal things. "Yeah, except it was somewhat worser this time. " You type back.

After a minute, he left you on read. You groaned in annoyance... Until you heard knocking at your door and shortly after a Ding! Come from your phone. Both caught you off guard and made you jolt really badly. You look at the message, "open your door, I'm outside and it's cold as fuck out here. " as you read the message you grinned and let out a chuckle.

You got up out of your bed and opened the door. A strong hug of Macaque's greeted you. You softly smiled and hugged him back. Shortly after you let him inside. "So, what was it about this time? If you wanna talk about it of course." He asked softly, You responded with a soft sigh. "Can we talk about it later I much rather.. Cuddle. " you muttered softly. He grabbed you and pulled you into another hug, "whatever helps you feel better, I'm willing to do. I hope you know that.. " He whispered softly in your ear, making you blush.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you so much Macaque.. I don't know what I would do without you.. ".

" Okay, let's go cuddle, you did say that you wanted to cuddle." He says, pulling you two out of the sappy moment. "Yeah okay, let's go. " you say, letting go of the hug and he did also. You grabbed his hand and lead him to your room, where you two are going to cuddle.

You walked through your opened bedroom doors and immediately letting go of Macaque's hand to flop down on your bed. You flipped yourself over and made grabby hand towards him, "come onnnnnn lay down with meeeeee" you say whining. He chuckles at your childish actions and go in your bed, pulling you close to his chest.

The moment was calm and extremely cuddly. He grabbed the covers and pulled them over you two. You guys adjust positions before settling down. You guys eventually found a comfy position cuddling position for the both of y'all. [which can be any cuddling position you desire. ].

You quickly fell asleep in his arms, you couldn't help it, it was just too comfortable and you just felt so safe locked up in his arms protected. He smiled softly and softly laughed as soon as he realized that you already fell asleep. 'Looks like I am going to get some sleep tonight. ' He thought to himself.

He closed his eyes and softly muttered, "I love you so much. ". He then fell asleep with you cuddling into his chest, feeling the most safe you have felt in forever.

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Words: 956

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