Monkey King X M!Reader

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"Sooo.. It's a date, Right? "
Monkey King X Male! Reader
Type;Pure Fluff and very funny but slight mentions of NSFW topics.

Requested by; iadoreanimatedmales

A/N: I'm honestly not used to writing a male reader, I have before but I don't usually write them since barely anyone requests male reader. I'm mostly used to writing a gender neutral reader or female reader, so because of this I want criticism on this. Tell what parts I need to work on and how I could make this better and more accurate. So please, if you have any criticism, I will take it. Also, MK and Monkey King might be a little bit out of character in this so hopefully you guys won't mind that.

Mentions of sexting, mentions of nudes/dick pics, cussing, lots of teasing, lots of flirting, ect.

If any of these can trigger you, then please leave for your safety!


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"[N]! " MK called out to you repeatedly while running towards you. He had this big, goofy like grin on his face. He runs up to you, placing his hands on his knees while somewhat crouching over, trying to catch his breath. He was exhausted from all the running he just did. You chuckle slightly at his weird, child-like antiques. "Yeah MK? What's up?" You ask calmly with a smile on your face. He took a long deep breath before standing up straight, putting his hands on his hips, a huge ass smile forming on his face. "WELL, I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE- JUST MAYBEE- YOU WANTED TO SEE ME TRAIN WITH MONKEY KING" He basically yelled pridefully at you, stars forming his eyes by the idea. "First off, calm down MK. Second off, yes I'll watch you train with Monkey King." You say, agreeing to go with him to watch him train the legendary Monkey King while shoving your Hands in your pocket.

Somehow, the stars in his eyes got even bigger. He looks at you squealing and somewhat stuttering from amazement and shock, "W-WAIT- REALLY?" You looked down at him in the eyes, you are a lot more taller than him. You sighed with a soft smile. "Yes MK, I'll go with you.". " YES YES YES! " He screams in Victory while stomping his feet on the ground in excitement since he finally found someone who wasn't busy with anything and was willing to go with him. You put your hand on his shoulder, "alright, calm down and lead me the way to Monkey King so I can watch you train." He eventually calms down from his excitement-high and grabs your hand. "ON WARDS TO ADVENTURE! " He yells out childishly while basically yanking you along with him while running. You chuckle at his childish actions. You noticed that he was only really childish around you, no one else, not even Mei. As it turns out, MK really saw you as his top tier father figure, even going as far as calling you dad on accident. He even said that himself, which says something since he idolizes the living shit out of Monkey King. It honestly caught you off guard when you realized this because you always thought that Monkey King would be his top tier father figure, but nope it's you. Not like you hate it or something, because you really don't, in fact you take pride in it to be completely honest.

Snapping back into reality, you guys were somehow already up on the hill where Monkey King was. "Heyyy MK, ready for your training-" Monkey King says, cutting the rest of his sentence off once realizing that MK brought a friend. Monkey King floats over to you with his hands behind his back and mostly leaning forward your face,only 2-3 inches away from your face causing a light blush to form on your face. "Hey MK, who's this Hot friend you brought along with you? " He says smirking at your chest, he was looking at your Pride pin. MK says trying to sound casual but really sounded like he's trying to show off and look cool, "oh, him? Yeah, that's just [N]-" Mk cuts himself off realizing that Monkey King was flirting with you, And MK's over protective-Child mode switched on. He pushes Monkey King back away from you. "HEY, HEY, HEYY DON'T FLIRT WITH HIM." MK yells crossing his arms over his chest pouting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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