Y!Iron Fan+Y!DBK![HCS]

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"We love you so much, feel lucky for the things we do for you baby! " -PIF

"You won't leave us.. I'll make sure of that." -DBK

Yandere!Princess Iron Fan X Yandere!DBK X Reader. [HCS] pt1?
•Also don't forget to vote! When you vote on my stuff it gives me motivation and let's me know that I'm doing an amazing or just great job at my writing! Basically it reassures me that I'm not a shitty but great writer :]

•Anyways, Reader Has no specific gender in this.
•This is basically what if you were in a poly relationship with PIF and DBK.
•Princess Iron Fan will be referred as PIF and DBK/Demon Bull King will be referred as DBK or BK in this.

Yanderes, poly relationship, kidnapping, murder, manipulation,
If any of these can trigger you, then please leave for your safety!
Enjoy <333

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"How did they meet you?"

You guys met at a party when you were teenagers. Around this time PIF and DBK were a couple that many students, Kids, And fans were going CRAZY for and over. Lots were basically obsessing over them because of the simple fact they were dating. They decided to get away from everone else since they were deeply getting uncomfortable.

They walked towards the back of the party, that just so happened to be outside. They saw you leaning against the wall near a corner, your motorcycle leaning against the corner for balance. They both thought that you looked quite attractive and decided to talk to you.

They were surprised when they were talking to you, you were so calm and chill. You weren't obsessing over them like there was no tomorrow, which gave them a relief, they were quite tired of being obsessed over constantly. PIF felt like she could actually breathe around you and not having to constantly act perfect. She felt she could make a weird laugh or hobbie around you and you wouldn't judge her unless if it's as a joke of course. DBK felt that this was usual because he was so used to having people and demons obsess over him and PIF, but he truly liked- no, loved the feeling. The feeling for him was just so comforting that he craved more of it. He loved that he could talk to you, being proper or not, and you not judge. You actually cracked jokes towards them unlike lots of people and they weren't "trying too hard" jokes.

Shortly after BK said fuck it and asked for your number and if you can give it to PIF also so you guys could talk or even make plans together. You handed your number over to them and asked for their names. They told you their names and quickly saw the shock form on your face. Did you not know who they are? Were you going to treat them differently now knowing who they are?.. No, no you didn't. Instead, You smiled and muttered, "wow, I guess I really am that special, huh? "

"What caused them to like this? "

For the both of them it was comfortity. The feeling of not having to constantly act perfect or be perfect around you made them want to constantly be around you. The comfort you made them feel was not any ordinary kind or type of comfort, no, it was special. They just know it.

For PIF as a whole was the fact you were actually respecting her boundaries, apologizing for when you do accidentally disrespect them and leave it at that, and the fact you respected her privacy. She loved the feeling of someone respecting her boundaries and privacy and not just her existence. Not saying that BK doesn't do this, because he does respect her boundaries and privacy, but to her the way you did it felt different.. In a good way.

For DBK as a whole was the fact you weren't afraid of him. The fact that you would stop him from doing something obnoxious and dumb out of anger in a heartbeat. You would listen to him rant about things that made him mad, [in the past and in the present], and you would give him your opinions about it. You were calm during his tantrums and helped him calm down from one or In the middle of one. He loved that so very much because he never experienced such feelings before. He also loves the fact tht you don't give a single fuck about his title, you care for him for who he is.

"How do they act around you?"

PIF acts more shy,outgoing, and open around you, saying whatever is on her mind. She a lot more talkative, always trying to keep you entertained in some way. What she's trying to do is learn all about your hobbies, interests, who you hate and why you hate them, who you don't hate and why, ect. She's trying to learn anything she can about you without invading your privacy. It's hard for her to maintain eye contact with you without blushing a lot or a little bit, turning her head the other way while making an embarrassed,
"tch". She just gets so embarrassed and nervous when you do that, it does something to her the no demon or human or creature for that matter has ever done.

DBK is a lot more open about his " embarrassing " hobbies such as cooking and baking. He finds them embarrassing because he's such an evil demon and extremely strong that he just doesn't seem like he would like such hobbies. He likes it because he finds actual enjoyment when doing it and he finds it extremely calming. He'll become a mess if you decide that you wanna bake with him, but it's a lot more funier when you join and not as nerve wracking as he thought. He brings you bake goods with little notes attached onto them, it's very cute and wholesome for such a evil demon. He a lot softer towards you, His eyes visibly soften when the topic of you comes up or when your name is mentioned. When he's around you he feels his heart stoften and his eyes soften, he feels like he's floating soundlessly and effortlessly in the air. When a good memory of you comes up or when he has one or more conversations with you, his whole mood is automatically boosted, basically nothing can ruin it. PIF teases him a lot for it for joking matters.

"How long do they wait for you to love them back? and what if you had a partner/lover? "

Depends really, they can wait for as long as possible, unless you have taken an interest in someone that's not them or are dating someone. It's truly is different when someone just likes you and you don't like them back, but for you to like someone or date someone? Totally different story. They most likely won't result to kidnapping unless it's a last resort thing. If you have a lover, they'll pure pressure them into Breaking up with you and manipulate you into hating them. They kill them afterwards since you now hate them so much that they mean aboustely nothing to you. If you liked someone, well, they'll make you hate them and then they'll kill them. Pretty simple. Long story short, they don't care if someone likes you- well- they do get jealous but that's about it but if you like someone is when they really start caring.

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A/N; should I do a part 2? Let me know :]

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Words; 1283

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