Chapter Nineteen -Telling Lee

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"Well, we are!" I smiled, as he pulled out of the lot. Lee drove to Marie's.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Bug, why don't I go in. I'll introduce myself." He said, putting his hand on top of mine.

"No. I need some stuff. I also want to say hi." I said. He nodded. We both got out and went inside.

"Marie!" I called.

"Coming!" I heard her call out from the back room. Lee and I stood hand in hand at the counter.

"Gwen, can you come help me!" She yelled.

"I'll be right back." I kissed Lee's hand and went to the back.

"Can you carry these?" She asked, holding a few boxes.

"Yes." I said, she placed them in my hands. They were a lot heavier than I thought! I carried them out and Lee saw my struggle.

"Let me take those." He said, taking the boxes from me. He took them and placed them on the counter. Moments later, Marie came out.

"This must be the man!" She said.

"Marie, this is my fiancé, Lee Pace. Lee, this is Marie." I smiled.

"Oh! Nice to meet you!" She exclaimed, hugging Lee. Lee looked down at me with a look of fright.

"Marie," I whined. "be careful." I laughed.

"So you're the one that is marrying my Gwen!" She exclaimed.

"He doesn't know about the twins." I leaned over and whispered.

"Gotcha." She patted my back.

After a few minutes of us talking we left. Lee wanted to go home. He was tired.

"Carl missed you." I said, pulling the car into the drive way.

"I missed him, Thranduil, and you." He smiled, shutting the car off. He got out, grabbed his luggage, and went in. I stayed in the car.

"It's okay, babies. I'll tell him." I said rubbing my stomach. I got out and went in.

"Stay out of the nursery!" I yelled.

"Why?" He said, exiting the bathroom.

"I'm working on the room. I want it to surprise you." I smiled. I was painting the nursery to look like The Shire. It was going to have the cozy, woodsy, hobbit feel. I was half way done. Lee knows not to go in it.

"Bug," Lee came up to me and kissed me. "I've missed you." He pecked my cheeks.

"Yeah. Two weeks... It hurts." I sighed.

"How are you feeling? I know before I left you were sick." He asked with concern.

"Oh. Better. It was just a stomach bug. I'm better now." I leaned into his chest.

"That's good." He nodded and put his head on mine.

"Let's go lie down." I suggested. "I'm a bit tired. I know you are." I said.

He nodded and we both went upstairs.

"Did you pick out your dress?" He asked, going under the blankets.

"Yeah." I smiled, slipping under the blankets. I cuddled up into Lee's chest and he held me close. "Love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He mumbled. We eventually fell asleep.
Lee would visit every 2 weeks. He still hasn't noticed my bump. I'm officially 2 months along and our wedding dress and veil wedding was in 2 months. I've been wearing baggy clothes to hide my bump of the twins. He keeps asking if there was anything new. And I would lie and say no.

"Lee, can you take a cab? I haven't been having the best day today." I asked over the phone. I was sitting on the couch, blanket over me, and Thranduil on me.

"Yeah. Of course, Bug." He said.


"I have to go. Big fat kisses?"

"Big fat kisses. Love you."

"Love you." He said and hung up.

"Carl!" I yelled. Carl cam dashing into the room. "Good boy." I said, rubbing his head. I decided to tell Lee about the twins today. He should know. I feel bad about all this lying I've been doing. So, when he gets home, we'll have dinner, and after dinner I'll take him up to the finished nursery. That now had two cots.

I turned the tv in and watched The Walking Dead, I eventually fell asleep.

What felt like an hour later, I woke up to the door being opened. Lee wasn't supposed to be back for another 2 hours. So, I stood up, went to the umbrella stand, grabbed Lee's Thranduil sword and walked around.

I heard the refrigerator door open, so I went into the kitchen.

"You do know, that is a prop." He said, standing behind me. I turned around and saw Lee!

"What are you doing home? You weren't supposed to be here for another 2 hours." I said, watching him eat his yogurt.

"I got an early flight." He said, licking his spoon. "Im going to take this from you before either one of us gets hurt." He said, taking the elven sword away from me. I chuckled.

"Fine." I said sarcastically.

"How was your two weeks?"

"Good. Hey, Lee, can I show you something?" I asked, going to my purse. I quickly grabbed the two ultrasounds and put them in my pocket.

"Of course, Bug." He said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the nursery door. I grabbed the handle and twisted it. I pulled Lee in.

"I'm... I'm pregnant..." I smiled, handing him an ultrasound. He took it and examined it. After a minute, a smile grew on his face.

"This... This is amazing!" He exclaimed, hugging me tight.

"Careful! When you hug me, you're hugging three people!" I exclaimed.

"Wait... Three people?" He looked down at me.

"Yeah. I'm having twins. See." I said, pointing at the ultrasound I handed him. Then he looked up and saw the two cots.

"Twins?" He asked again. I think I just put him in shock! I smiled and nodded. He grabbed a hold of my hips and went down to my stomach.

"Lee? What are you doing?" I asked, putting my hand on top of his head.

"Shh." He said, putting his ear up to me. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You won't hear anything. Lee, they're the size of acorns."

"That doesn't matter." he smiled. Then Lee turned so he could talk.

"Hello there. This is your father speaking." He smiled.

"And your mother!" I exclaimed looking down and Lee. He glanced up at me and smiled.

"Yes. And your mother." He chuckled. "I just wanted to say hello." He looked at me and smiled. "And so you could hear my voice." He quickly kissed my stomach and stood back up.

"I love you, Gwen." He pulled me into another hug.

"I love you too, Lee." He came down and kissed me.

"Let's go eat." I smiled. "I'm starving."

Before I even moved, Lee pulled me into another hug.

"Two weeks is to long." He whispered.

"It's okay. I get to have you for three weeks next month." I smiled.

"That's right. Our cake wedding is next month."

"Lee, let's go eat. I want to just sit with you, eat, watch tv and talk baby names." I said.

"Sounds good." He let me go and we ran downstairs to the kitchen. We didn't make anything. We ordered some Thai. I wanted some spicy food and that was the food that I thought of.

My Love, Lee PaceWhere stories live. Discover now