Chapter Twenty-Two-Wedding Day pt. 3

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(The Wedding part 3) (author's note: there's a few songs that I have. You don't necessarily have to listen to them. I'll list them off when I want you to play them. Enjoy!)

When we walked in, people whoo'd, wolf whistled, and cheered us both on. Lee and I walked up to the table with the wedding party.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Everyone started cheering before we sat down. I looked up at Lee and smiled. I went up on my toes, he went down and kissed me again. Long and hard. I heard cheering and laughs. I pulled back and smiled. Lee pulled out my chair and I sat down, then he sat next to me.

"The Paces!" The DJ said. I smiled. Lee kept a hand on my back. I'm not sure why.

"Alright! Here's the plan and what's going on tonight. We're going to eat. But, the wedding party gets to eat first. Then, there's dancing. There's also a photo booth, that's here till 9:00 pm." The DJ finished.

"Let's go eat, Bug." Lee stood up. I stood up and we both walked to the buffet. Jamie, Alex, Evangeline, Orlando, Will, and Sally, all followed behind us. Lee and I got our food and plates ready. Lee and I both enjoyed our meal. Took our time eating.

"Wanna announce this after dinner?" I asked, pointing at my belly.

"Sure." Lee said with a nod. After we ate, Lee stood up and asked the DJ for a microphone. He came back over and stood next to me.

"Hello?" He said into the mic. I stood up and leaned into his body. Lee wrapped an arm around me. "Is this thing on?"

Everyone stopped talking and looked up at us.

"That's better." Lee chuckled. "Gwen and I have a few things to say and share." I smiled up at him.

"First, we just want to thank you all for coming out here. We greatly appreciate it. And secondly, do you want to tell them?" He looked down at me with a smile. I smiled and nodded. He handed me the microphone.

"A few months back we found out some news..." I smiled. Jamie looked over at me and shock was all over her face. "Well, basically, I'm pregnant." I said. Everything was quiet and then it was loud!! Everyone stood up and clapped. I sighed a sigh of relief, then looked up at Lee. He smiled and quickly kissed me. We both sat back down as people came up to congratulate us on both the wedding and the pregnancy.

About 30 minutes later, people started to dance.

"Gwen, Lee, you two have the first dance as a married couple soon. So, get ready for that." Sally said, leaning over the table and telling us about the dance.

"Ah, yes." I smiled, and slipped off Lee's jacket and hung it over my chair. "Lee, did you pick out the song?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Nope." He shook his head 'no'.

"Oh. Okay." I said.

"Come on, let's go." Lee said, standing up. I chuckled and stood up. We both walked to the DJ.

"Hello, we were told that we have a dance." Lee said, looking up at him.

"That's right. We still need a song. Would you and the Mrs. like to pick?"

"Let me." Lee said, letting go of my arm and going up to the DJ and the laptop full of songs. After a moment, he came back down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around! The married couples first dance!" The DJ announced. Lee lead me to the center of the dance floor.

"Are you ready?" Lee asked, taking me into a formal dance position.

"Only if you are." I smiled.

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