The Journey Continued...

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Y/n Pov

I lightly pushed the tent's curtain doors open, walking straight into some kind of meal time. There were three men and two woman, laying on the floor with their meal set out before them on the tent's floor. You can imagin how shocked they must've been to see me, a 16 year old white male, halve naked, sun burned and blood stained, walk in like I wasn't a stranger. The two woman screamed, while the three men stood up, not quite sure what to actually think of me.

Me: " me..."

From lack of energy, I stumbled, almost ready to collapse. They just stared at me, not understanding a word I said.

Me: Oh shit they don't speak English.

One of the men said something in what I guessed was Arabic, but of course I had no idea what he had said as much as he did for what I had said. But really. Can you blame me? As an American teen, it never occurred to me that I would one day need to speak Arabic. I stood for a moment, unsure of what I should do. Anubis burst in, realizing I had not understood what the man said.

Anubis: "He says that he does understand."

I faced Anubis, who was standing beside me.

Me: "Well if you know there language, then you can translate right?"

Anubis hesitated at the request.

Anubis: "Yes, but I can not talk to them, for they will not hear me."

Me: "Then just tell me what to say and I'll say it."

She nodded.

Anubis: "Okay then, repeat after me."

She said something in Arabic and I pronounced it the best I could. The men and woman standing there, who had watching me this whole time, unsure of weather I was talking to myself or them, heard and understood the words I was saying, though I had no idea as to WHAT I was saying. Trying not to look crazy, I whispered to Anubis.

Me: "What did I say?"

Anubis: "That you were injured weathering a storm and you require medical assistance."

One of the woman left the room, while one of other men says something.

Me: "K, now what did HE say?"

Anubis: "That you need an amputation."

Me: "WHAT!?"

Anubis laughed.

Anubis: "Kidding. He said that his wife would be back with their first aid kit and that you should sit down and rest."

The man continues.

Anubis: "He's also offering you water."

Me: "No thank's I'm good." I said, stomach already filled with it. 

I shake my head to say no. After waiting a bit, the woman who had left came back with a small, red and white painted crate and popped it open. After taking off the makeshift bandages I had on, she took a cloth and soaked it in alcohol, then began dabbed my wounds with it. Although she was trying her best to make the pain easier, it still hurt like hell. Next, she put on fresh, non-makeshift bandages around my waist and arm. After she was done, they shared with me some food, and with Anubis's help, I found out where exactly we were in the desert, and where the nearest city was. Not only were they kind enough to lend a mat to sleep on for the night, but they also offered to take me to where I needed to go in the morning. 

Me: Oh thank god!

I couldn't tell you how much I thanked them for it. When supper had finished, they gave me their extra mat to sleep on and I went outside, Anubis following me and helping me every step of the way. We sat down together and I lay the mat down acrossed the sand. The stinging had been toned down a bit by now, which made room for the feeling of my travel weary body to catch up to me. Laying down on the mat, I relaxed and looked to the starry sky. Anubis lay down next to me, looking up to the stars also.

Me: "Is it always this beautiful at night?"

Anubis: "Usually. I've grown used to its sight, but I'm glad to see that you enjoy it."

Anubis Pov

Y/n smiled. I made few quick glances at him as he stared into the night's lights. Seeing him smile made me smile in return. After a bit more staring, Y/n rolled over on his side, facing me.

Me: "Hey Anubis..."

Anubis: "Yes?"

Me: "I want to thank you..."

Anubis: "What for?"

Me: "For everything. The snake, the aloe, helping me acrossed the desert, all of it."

Anubis: "Oh, of course."

He paused.

Me: "You know, for the goddess of death and all, your a pretty good person."

With a humorous smile, he returned to his star gazing, not knowing how hard that comment hit me.

Anubis: ...

I couldn't even find the words to think.

Anubis: Me...      ...a...      ...huh...

It had never really occurred to me who I was as a person. As a goddess, I was so devoted to my work (departing the souls within Egypt), that I never really identified as an individual. I had always been related to death itself by the elder priests and religious leaders of old. Death being one of the most feared, and in some cases, hated things all throughout Egypt, I wasn't accustomed to receiving kind words.

Anubis: How...      ...sweet...

I set my gaze apon his face as he lay there staring at the sky. 

Anubis: "Y/n."

Me: "Hmm?"

He turned his head.

Anubis: "For a mortal, I you seem like a good person as well."

Even though I had failed to find the exact words, he understood and nodded. 

Me: "I try to be."

He laughed, while I smiled. I looked deep into his eyes. A new emotion arose within me at the sight of him. It was only for a moment. The faintest little warmth in my chest, yet still, there was something there. For a split second, something about Y/n brought out an emotion in me that was unlike any I've ever had. I blushed at its awakening. Y/n, who was returning a stare, took notice of this and also blushed, looking away.

Me: "I...uh...better get some sleep."

Anubis: "Y-yeah. Rest well Y/n."

Me: "You too..."

He rolled over and closed his eyes.

Anubis: "Goddesses don't actually NEED sleep, but thank you."

He chuckled. 

Me: "Good night Anubis."

He fell silent, excluding his slow and quiet breathing. Minutes passed, and yet my eyes never left him. I fell victim to deep thought.

Anubis: I have to admit...even for such a young mortal...he's...just the slightest bit cute...

I put a hand on his shoulder. He stirred, but didn't wake.

Anubis: ...curious...

And with that, for the first time in a very long time, I closed my eyes and slept. (Not for rest, but for the sake of passing the night quickly)

Death's Love (Female Anubis x male human reader)Where stories live. Discover now