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Hello. This is my first ever story. I had this idea and have been obsessed with the character Mattheo Riddle for 8 or 9 months. So I decided to write it. The writing may not be the best.

Please read: In this story the characters are 17 or above. The are in their 7th year. You can imagine yourself as y/n or anyone else you have in mind.

Credits to yasminamaro for the character mattheo riddle. It's from the story "possessive". You might've already read it.

Credits to babynaomi for the character Lorenzo Berkshire, It's from the story "Filthy". It's an amazing book.

Lastly, credits to J.K Rowling for the Harry Potter characters.

This story might contain topics that are sensitive to some of the audience.
Such as :
Mature content
Adult language
Mentions of rape
And more

There will be trigger warnings for the same. If you feel uncomfortable please do not continue

Now without further ado let's start with it

The Task - Mattheo Riddle/Marcus Lopez 18+Where stories live. Discover now