What happens when y/n Dolohov, Voldemort's most loyal followers' daughter is given a task to find his son and bring him to her lord, alive or dead. But what happens when they fall in love? What will be the consequences they'll have to suffer?
A Matt...
Today I woke up, like any other normal day. Me and a few Pureblood families have been living at the malfoy manor due to our lord returning. My father attends the meetings constantly because he's one of Voldemort's most trusted followers.
Before you come after me , yes, we are allowed to say his name. Not just in front of him unless we want countless amount of torture. I've suffered the consequences of it. I got up from my ginormous bed. Bringing my knuckles to my eyes, getting rid of the remaining sleepiness present. I heard a knock on my door. It was really harsh so I got the idea it was my father.
I went and opened the door and low and behold it was none other than my father. What a pleasant surprise!
"Why aren't you up and ready yet?!" He spoke angrily "I apologise, sir" I replied. I'm not allowed to call him my father either.
"Well what are you waiting for? The elves will bring your dress. Today is your first ever meeting with the dark lord. You and your friends will be receiving your first task. IF you are unable to complete it, be ready for the consequences."
"Alright,sir." By 'consequences' he means spending a week in the malfoy dungeons getting tortured. Fun isn't it?
With that, my pathetic excuse of a father left. I wasn't afraid of the dark lord. I have gotten a few tiny tasks to torture the mudbloods in the dungeons. I enjoyed every second of that. I heard a clicking noise and realised it was winky, the house elf.
"Winky has brought Miss Dolohov a dress for the meeting. Winky has been informed to let Miss know to get ready for the meeting!" "Mhm thanks Winky" I replied to the little house elf before me.
Snapping her fingers, she apparated to the kitchen The dress was in a multicoloured box with a black ribbon, tied into a beautiful bow. Opening the box, I saw a beautiful black dress.
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I got in the shower and turned the water to the highest setting. I love taking showers where my skin is burning but not really
Coming out I used a drying spell on my hair. I have natural curls so I decided to just brush them out a little. Now that, was a big mistake because it turned frizzy so I just decided to straighten it instead. I put my dagger (The image of the dagger is that the end of the chapter, I couldn't add it in) on the strap of my thigh. I take it everywhere with me, just in case you need it. Walking down the stairs I met Enzo, my best friend. We had a small conversation about what would happen at the meeting. Before we reached the dining room, Draco bumped into us. He looked paler than usual. 'Poor guy' I thought.
Reaching the straits we found other death others also there. Our parents were also there. The sad part is that I don't have a mum. My pathetic excuse of a father killed my mother in front of me . Still traumatised from that but I don't miss her too much since I don't know her too well. I took a seat next, with my father on my right and Draco on my left. Theodore sat across from me. After a few stressful minutes the Dark Lord entered the room, with a bearded guy on his left. He sat at the front of the table. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the table except for me. I wasn't scared of him.
"Thank you all for gathering here. Today, the younger followers will be assigned tasks to prove their loyalty like their parents." The man behind him spoke.
"Ah, what a lovely day.." No nose voldy stood up and walked towards me. "Y/n.. I have a very special task for you today." "It's an honour, my lord" I spoke with a small smirk on my face. It was barely visible. "I need you to find my son. Bring him to me alive or dead. Kris over here will tell you every detail you need to know. Stay after this meeting" he hissed.
"Of course, my lord"
"Now now Draco... I need you to fix a vanishing cabinet on the room of requirements and my favourite task till now.... Kill Dumbledore." He told Draco
Draco's POV: After hearing those words my heart skipped a beat or two. I looked over to my mother and she had tears in her eyes and my father just kept his eyes towards the wooden table, as if counting all the little scratches in it.
'Fucking coward' I thought to myself. "Yes my lord. I'll do it." I replied, trying my best not to break down in front of him. "Very well, my dear" he spoke with his nasty teeth sticking out. "Rest of you will be helping y/n and Draco with the tasks." He said with a disgusting smile.
Y/n's POV:
The meeting ended soon after the assignment of tasks to a few older death eaters. My father being of them. Me and the other guys stayed after the meeting for the details of the task.
We got to know his name was Marcus Lopez. But his real name was Mattheo riddle. We'd find his at King's Dominion, a school for dark arts. To go there a few dementors have been set and we contacted them to let us stay with them until it's safe and there are no more dementors. A few more students from hogwarts have been chosen as well. That includes 'tHe gOlDeN tRio'. Golden trio my ass. Anyway, we'll be leaving in 3 days to be exact. That part took me by surprise. I returned to my room with Draco behind me as his room was near mine. "This is bullshit" he said
"What do you mean?" "He's too scared to kill Dumbledore himself that he has to assign kids like us these tasks" he spat "Well that's true. Don't worry I'll help you" I replied
"I don't need your stupid help. I was chosen for a reason."
With that he ran to his room, probably to break down or something. Shrugging at the thought I returned to my room and plopped onto the bed. I groaned sitting up and starting to change into my nightwear. I did my skin routine and plopped onto my bed and fell asleep a lot instantly.
The dagger:
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A/n: Hello! This is my first chapter. Im sorry it was short! Anyway, how was your day? Did u eat anything or drink anything? If not, run to the kitchen and grab something. I'm waiting QOTD: Who is your favourite character? AOTD: Draco for sure. Not just cuz of his looks but he's a very though character. He's suffered a lot but nobody seems to realise that.