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(The photo above is from Pinterest, i do not own it. Credits to the owner for it)
Y/n's POV:
I was swimming in a lake full of chocolate, with a patch of cotton candy in my hand. Surrounded buy trees covered in candy.
Coming out of the lake, I was magically cleaned, going out to grab a few candies off the nearest tree.

Jumping up and down, I finally got my hands on the peanut m&m's. Opening the packet everything started to become blurry, turning black.

I jerked up at hit something really hard on my forehead. And... I was wet? Not THAT kind of wet, it's like someone poured water on me?

I snapped back from my thoughts hearing a laughter. Rubbing my eyes I realised it was Lorenzo. I jumped off my bed and tackled him to ground and we started play fighting,

He flipped us over and started ticking me. I started laughing like a maniac which should have probably woken up someone from the dead. Lorenzo is the only one who has ever made me laugh. I only open up to him but for the rest, it's the cold treatment.

"Jokes aside, how's your task going?" He asked getting serious. I rolled my eyes at him and stood up walking to my bed, sit down. "It's going ok. I've been here for 2 days at max, what do expect? The guy to fall on his knees?" I asked

He shook his head standing up, "I expect it be soon love, or u know what'll happen. Anyway, we have transfigurations in 10"

"Alright, get out I need to change" I relied getting up from the bed, walking to my luggage grabbing a pair of cargo pants and a crop top.
(Image is at the top of the chapter)

He walked out leaving me alone, I started to change and grabbed my books walking to my next class.

Time skip:

God I've been sitting in this class for 30 minutes and my head is bursting at the seems. A knock on the nearest window snapped me out of my thoughts, looking at it, a grey-black cat was sitting there.

Immediately I ran up to it and opened the window, letting the cat in, causing everyone from our school to stand up.

"Professor" granger said politely, trying to impress her.

A few chuckles were heard from the back, "professor? So magical" Saya said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
Professor returned back her original human form and looked around. The chuckles were now replaced with gasps, as murmuring now filled the room.

Clearing her throat "good morning to all," she said now facing us "as you all might know you all have a small practical you have to perform today"

"AH FUCK I FORGOT" Harry shouted causing everyone to look at him, giving death glares.
Clearing her throat, professor announced, "I'll let you revise, master Lin, a word?" She asked turning towards Lin.

Nodding they went outside, while I slumped back in my chair, groaning.

In the meantime, 2 girls, one with black and orange hair and the other with black came up to me, "we have a party tomorrow night, we'd love if you'd come." One of them said, causing me to look at Lorenzo.

He nodded idiotically like a child receiving a chocolate bar. "Alcohol and weed?" I asked, now turning towards them.

"All set, boss" the other girl exclaimed. I chuckled and nodded, "we'll be there" I winked

Giggling, they replied, "wear something sexy" now walking off.

Mcgonagall came in, walking towards us. "You will all be performing the spell used to convert animals into a water goblet. With a snap of her fingers, our pets appeared in front of us."

On my desk, I had agony, a spitting cobra. while Lorenzo had his cat, Elizabeth. I know, thats a fucking awful name but no can do missy.

We all had our turns, "alright students, this leads us to the end. Slytherin gained a total of 35 points while Gryffindor gained a total of 14 points. I expect you all to practice more, have a nice day, stay safe." She ended her speech leaving the classroom just as she came, taking all of our pets with her.


Hey! Sorry for the late upload I've been really busy with school and all. But here's a chapter.

Shoutout to my friend for the outfit above. That really helped. Anyway I have a new book, it's a really interesting topic. On Draco, no magic included. Also a professor story, I love those.

I'll see yo all in the next chapter and things are now about to get ✨spicy✨


78o words

The Task - Mattheo Riddle/Marcus Lopez 18+Where stories live. Discover now