What happens when y/n Dolohov, Voldemort's most loyal followers' daughter is given a task to find his son and bring him to her lord, alive or dead. But what happens when they fall in love? What will be the consequences they'll have to suffer?
A Matt...
Y/n Dolohov 16 years old Slytherin Pureblood Scorpio She's sarcastic, funny, a sociopath and just LOVES torturing people. She has a younger brother that she despises . Blood superiority is the first thing she looks for. My girl has daddy issues.
You can imagine yourself:
Mattheo Riddle/Marcus Lopez 17 years old Slytherin (not that it matters until they go to hogwarts) Halfblood Scorpio He's a funny guy. He keeps to himself and is not the most popular in king's dominion. He has a couple of friends and is a sociopath just like my girl y/n.
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Draco Malfoy (Mr. Ferret) 17 years old Slytherin Pureblood Gemini He's a quiet guy and will go absolutely out of his way to embarrass you if you ever talk back to him. Makes witty remarks on muggle borns. Also has daddy issues.
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Lorenzo Berkshire 16 years old Slytherin Pureblood Aquarius A funny and handsome guy. A total ladies gentlemen. Y/n's best friend. Dosen't hate muggle borns but dosen't like them either.
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These are the main characters 👆🏼
Theodore Nott
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Saya Kuroki
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(Wtf she's so pretty)
Maria Salazar
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The rest are from the movies - Blaise Zucchini - The golden trio - Pansy Parkinson - Astoria Greengrass And more... (from deadly class series as well)
A/n Hello! How was your day today? Before we go further have you eaten or drunk anything? If not run to your kitchen and grab something. Please take of yourself.
Qotd: what house are you in? Aotd : I'm a Slytherin 💚🖤