𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮

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One day after the meeting...

Y/n's POV:

I reached into my closet and grabbed a small bag. I charmed so that it looks the same but has infinite space inside. Crazy isn't it?
I took out a few outfits from my closet. My weapons, just in case I need to go on a killing spree. I know I'm a crazy bitch. And how could I forget my lavender shampoo. One of the things that define me.

I took some jewellery out of the drawer in my vanity and shoved it in my bag. Now all that was needed were a few pairs of shoes and I was done.

Now that the preparations are done, I was thinking of going to check up on the idiots that I call 'friends'. Draco's room was the nearest so I decided to go there first. I put on my slippers and headed to room number 233. I don't bother knocking so I just barged in.

Now, THAT, was a big mistake. I was met with him only in a towel, water droplets dripping down his chest and onto the towel. His blonde hair was wet as well. He might've noticed me staring so now his face had his signature smirk on it. Oh how I would love to slap it off.

"Wanna take a picture, Dolohov?" He said cockily

"Shut up" I replied with a face redder than a tomato. 'Just great' I told myself.

"Have you started packing?" I asked

"No, I went to take a shower first. I was about to start now, but you so graciously barged in. Without knocking may I add. Now if you kindly get the fuck out, I'd like to change peacefully."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Have fun ferret."

"STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT YOU LITTLE PEICE OF SHIT" he shouted as I walked out. It wasn't new to us, we called him this on the daily basis.

I visited the rest except pug face and greenass just because their a pain in the arse. So fucking clingy and annoying. Their voice just makes me want to burn the manor down. I don't know how their parents dealt with them all along.

2 days later..

Today was the day we went to king's dominion for my task. I wasn't scared at all but the rest looked constipated. It was quite funny.
I woke up early in the morning to get ready. Gotta look perfect. I already had a plan for the riddle kid. Just kidnapping him was too easy so with the help of Bella (Bellatrix lestrange y'all), I came up with a plan to make him in love with me and just take him to my lord. Simple, right?

I just love Bella, she's like me, loves to torture mudbloods. But like girl them teeth ain't it. Talking to her makes me was to summon an army of toothbrushes. The surprising part is, her breath doesn't smell bad!

Currently I was at the kings cross station waiting for potter and his minions plus a few other griffindorks. Always being late. And let me tell you, these people hog up all the hot water. This is the reason I have a personal bathroom. Oh did I forget to mention? I have a personal dorm as well. The biggest one, I may add. Nobody wanted to share with the daughter of a Dolohov. I was more than happy for that. I hate people anyways.

Speaking of our lord and saviour, Granger and Weaselbee ran straight into us with their backs facing us. Potter was running after them. That ginger blood-traitor bumped into me causing me to fall and on my back with him on me. He looked into my eyes like I was a meal he wanted to devour.

I pushed him off of me. " what the fuck you filthy little squib?" I asked with an annoyed tone
"Uh-I-er" he stuttered
His mudblood girlfriend pulled him away and 'tHe chOsen oNe' glared at me like we wanted to kill me right then and there. Me being me I returned the same look.

We got onto the train and got into a compartment. I sat next to Lorenzo with Draco and Theodore in front of us. The rest sat in other compartments. I don't give a fuck where they are. They can jump of the damn train for all I care.
So, in total, 12 people were travelling. That included, me, Draco, Lorenzo, Theodore, Pansy, Astoria, the golden trio, Ginny and the twins. Fred and George.
The twins are the only people I tolerate from Gryffindor if I'm being honest. 

I took a book of dark arts and started reading it. I've been fond of dark magic since a child, mastered a lot of techniques that a child of my age doesn't even know about. Such as, legilimency and occulemency, wandless magic and a few more.

5 hours later....

I didn't realise we reached our destination, before enzo yelled in my ear
"Oi sleepy head! WE'RE HEREEE"
"AHHHHHH" I screamed. Apparently, I fell asleep, very unlikely of me. But, whatever.

Using my wandless magic, I got my suitcase out of the cabinet above.
"Ugh, I wish I could do that" Theodore cooed.
"Shut up, you sound like a fucking child" Draco told him

And me? Yeah, I just chuckled.

Reaching the king's cross station, we apparated to King's Dominion. We had to take the train because we couldn't apparate out of hogwarts. Sucks doesn't it?


Hello! How had your day been going? Well I hope it was good and it stays good. I know it was a shorter chapter than the last one, I'm sorry for that. I think I'll upload 1 more in a few hours and if I can't, I will upload one tomorrow.
QOTD: do you prefer the books or the movies of the Harry Potter series?
AOTD: books, because they are more detailed and contain parts that are not in the movies. Just like in the 4th book the death eater mark scene. Winky was found with Harry's wand. But it was different in the movies.

950 words...

The Task - Mattheo Riddle/Marcus Lopez 18+Where stories live. Discover now