Dad dropped me off outside the main entrance of the mall and told me that he would pick me up at eight. It was only six-thirty, so I had plenty of time to find something. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I got out of the car and slung my black, fringed bag across my chest. As he drove away, I turned to wave goodbye. Most would be embarrassed, or feel that it was "uncool" to kiss your dad goodbye, and wave to him when he left. Many of those people, though, probably have a mother. They probably take both of their parents for granted. But when you only have one, you make those moments count.
The doors automatically flew open as I approached them. The sudden breeze was refreshing. I wasn't sure exactly what store I wanted to go to, so I sort of drifted a bit, moving in and out of stores when I saw something that looked cute. As I passed an H&M store, I saw the prettiest dress. When I had been planning what I would buy, I hadn't planned on a dress. I just figured that I would get a cute shirt, or something. But when I saw this dress, I pivoted and walked straight into the store. The dress was hanging on a rack, among the latest fashion trends.
It was a sundress type dress. It was only the beginning of October, so it wasn't that cold out; I could deal. And on the plus side, if it did get cold, Adam could always put his arm around me to warm me up, I thought. I smiled to myself. The twenty something chick at the register looked me up and down and gave me a weird look. Story of my life, but screw her. She wasn't the one who had a date with the most awesome guy ever. I fidgeted my hands through the selection of dresses. It sickened me that the size large looked like it would just fit me, and usually, I was just a medium. I pulled the large off the rack and ran my fingers through the fabric. It was a pale gray colour, with pale blues and darker grays on it, in an abstract pattern. It would come up to about my knee; hopefully father approving length. It had cap sleeves and a scoop neck. The skirt was flowy , but not too flowy; there was just enough fabric gathered to make it hang perfectly. The bust was defined with a stretchy bit. All in all, it looked simple, but really pretty. I walked towards the dressing rooms and waited until the man said I could go in. "Number Four", he told me in a monotone voice. I said thank you and walked in.
I opened and closed the door, and then locked it. I took off my bag and pulled off my shirt and tank top. I decided to just leave me jeans on. I slipped the dress on and looked in the mirror. It was so pretty; I couldn't wait for Adam to see me in it. It occured to me then that I would have to wear a jacket or cardigan of some kind to cover my arm. I decided that I would wear either my black leather jacket, or black cardigan that I had at home. Satisfied, I slipped off the dress and put my clothes back on. I was just about to open the door when i heard a familiar voice.
I quietly shut the door and sat down on the bench. Luckily, the doors went straight to the floor, with less than an inch of space; if Roxanne decided to try and look under the doors again, like she did in the washroom, she wouldn't be successful. Although, it's not like she even knew that I was here, or at least I hope she didn't. I heard her flirt with the man in charge of the change rooms and then walk towards me. I froze. She took the room to the right of mine. I heard her drop her clothes harshly on the bench and plop down beside them. I could hear the pushing of buttons as she texted some other bitch who couldn't live one second without their stupid phone. Finally, after what felt like forever, I could hear her start pulling clothes off their hangers. I waited until I figured she was naked, because then there would be no chance of her opening her door. I grabbed my bag and quickly, but quietly unlocked and opened the door. With dress in hand, I walked as fast as I could without looking suspicious, out of the change room area. I walked up to the cash. Unfortunately, there were about seven people in front of me.
As the line slowly started moving, I kept my eyes on the entryway to the change rooms. I silently kept wishing that the line would suddenly go faster. A jewelry rack next to the cash caught my eye. Now there was only one person in front of me. As the lady who had previously checked me out helped the woman in front of me, I pulled a long, gold necklace from the rack. It had one single chain, with a small, gold feather, a key, and small heart hanging from it. I checked the price; it was $17.99. Almost eighteen dollars for a freaking necklace! But it would go perfect with the outfit that I pictured in my head. The dress alone cost $49.50, so my total cost would probably be about seventy dollars. Fortunately, I had just enough money because I had been saving.

Cross My Heart
Teen FictionDevyn Miller is a seventeen year old girl, who lives with her single father in Vancouver, British Columbia. She wouldn`t consider herself an outcast; she has never had a core group of friends, or even a bestfriend. However, there is one girl who has...