Chapter 1 ~ Paint Them Red Or Lose Your Head!

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"Hey!! Hurry up with the preparations! Housewarden Riddle is coming very soon!"

"I ran outta paint! Someone get me a new bucket!"

"Hurry up! Before we lose our heads!"

You were busy in the Rose Maze painting a bush full of white roses. If any were white, you'd lose your head. That thought scared you more than anything at the moment. You shivered thinking about Housewarden Riddle's temper if things weren't perfect.

You had been selected to join Heartslabyul, a dorm focused on the Queen of Hearts and her spirit of strictness. Riddle-senpai certainly followed her rules perfectly, and he enforced them effectively. If you didn't comply, well... it's off with your head! Riddle's signature spell, Off With Your Head, could prevent a magician from using their magic as long as the collar was on your neck.

You shivered. The Collar. Feared by all Heartslabyul students. Lucky for you, you had yet to experience it. As long as you followed the rules, you were set.


You finished painting the roses and sighed. The sun was beating down on your body. You climbed down the ladder and picked up your paint can to put it back when a fanfare of trumpets sounded across the garden.

"Attention everyone! Our great leader, the Red Sovereign himself, has arrived! Please bow to our Housewarden, Riddle Rosehearts!"

"We salute you, Housewarden Rosehearts!"

"We salute you!" You called. You decided to stay at your rose bush to avoid him assuming you missed some on a new one. You could hear his footsteps approaching, so you straightened up.

"Good, good... these roses are an exquisite shade of red. Yes, yes, yes... huh?"

He came around the corner and looked at the single rose bush without red roses. You gasped, and the students behind him did too.

"White roses... who left my roses white?!" Riddle turned and held his staff out. "WHO LEFT MY ROSES WHITE?!"

You kept quiet until he locked eyes with you. He angrily stormed over and held his staff.

"{Y/N}! Were YOU responsible for leaving my roses white?!"

"H-Housewarden s-sir! I w-was not i-in charge of t-t-that bush!" You stammered.

Riddle looked at the bush angrily and turned back to you. "YOU had the AUDACITY to leave MY roses WHITE?! White roses are FORBIDDEN in the Queen's garden! I have no choice but to cut off your head. Any further objections will result in me leaving the collar on longer. Do I make myself clear?!"

You shook from fright. Great! First day on rose painting duty, and you failed miserably. There goes your head for the week.

"Wait, Riddle."

A much taller boy came from around the corner. It was Vice Housewarden Trey, and he wore a concerned look.

"Trey! What is it? I'm currently busy!"

"Riddle, you're being a bit dramatic. Besides, they can get the roses painted in ten minutes. In the meantime, why don't you go work on some homework? I think {Y/N}'s had quite the shock."

Riddle considered this for a second. He looked you in your {E/C} eyes, and for a moment, you thought you saw a flash of sensitivity.

"Fine. You can keep your head. Trey, come with me, though. I'd like a word."

Trey nodded and followed him out the maze. You hadn't realized it, but you were holding your breath in. With a deep exhale, you fell to the ground and sighed.

"Wow, {Y/N} managed to get out of having their head cut off... does Riddle-san like them?" someone whispered.

"No way. That's not fair!" someone else said.

"Wish I coulda gotten away with breaking that burger rule," another scoffed.

You, on the other hand, were completely terrified and shocked. What just happened? You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren't dreaming.

The bell of the dorm rang. Soon, it was time to go to sleep. You grabbed your paint can and brush and scurried back inside the dorm, not wanting to further anger the Housewarden.

"What a day... and I can't believe I got outta there alive. This week can't get any worse... right?"

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