Chapter 4 ~ Sugary Bliss

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"H-Housewarden sir?"

Riddle turned to face you. He held a look of diligence, although you could see he was struggling holding something in. You shuffled a bit as he cleared his throat.

"{Y/N}-san, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off to class?"

"I-I was going to, b-but there's something I'd like t-to give you first. This is a-an apology gift that Clover-senpai h-h-helped me make."

Your face turned red with blush as you brought the tart out from behind your back. Riddle's stern look dropped as soon as he saw it. You closed your eyes and felt your body shake from embarrassment.

"{Y/N}... you made this for me?"

You nodded.

Riddle took the tart, his face going bright red. "It looks..."

You covered your ears. What was he going to say?

"It looks absolutely delicious! {Y/N}, thank you so much!" A smile came to Riddle's face as he examined the tart in his hands. You looked up and smiled back at him.


"Seems like operation strawberry tart was a smashing success!"

Trey came around the corner and waved. Riddle looked up at him. "Trey? What are you doing here?"

"{Y/N} made this for you with my help. Can't let them take all the credit, right?"

You slugged Trey in the shoulder, to which he laughed at you. "Senpai! C'mon!"

"What? I'm just messing. Besides, Riddle, this is the happiest I've seen you in a while. Enjoy your tart together; I'll go tell your teachers you weren't feeling well and get you the homework."

"Trey, you know I can't skip class just for a tart," Riddle said.

"C'mon Riddle. It's just one day. Enjoy it with {Y/N}-san. They did make this for you yesterday. The least you could do is repay them with some time together."

Riddle looked at the tart and sighed. "F-fine. But ONLY for today. Next time you try this, Trey, I'll have your head."

Trey noted this and waved. "Have fun, you two. See ya, {Y/N}-san." He turned and left, leaving you and Riddle to look at each other.

"Come, {Y/N}. To my room."


You gulped nervously and followed him. He let you inside and closed the door. He sat on the rug and patted the spot next to him.

"Come. I want to do something with you."

You sat down and watched as he opened the tart. He grabbed the fork from the lid and unwrapped it. He dipped it into the tart and pulled up a large piece. "Open wide, {Y/N}."

You opened your mouth and watched as Riddle gently fed you the tart. Your face went bright red. He smiled and dipped the fork back into the tart. "Big or small?"

"B-big?" He picked another large piece of tart and let you eat it. A trickle of strawberry juice flowed down your cheek. He grabbed a handkerchief and wiped it softly.

"T-thank you, Housewarden sir," you said.

Riddle nodded and took another piece of tart and ate it himself. "This is perfect. Just like Trey's tart. You did such a great job. I'm very proud of you."

Riddle put a hand on your cheek and kissed it. You gasped, and when you did Riddle quickly pulled away. "What happened?!"

"N-nothing! I was just a bit startled... Housewarden sir."

Riddle let blush coat his face as he turned away from embarrassment. "R-Riddle is fine. Just call me Riddle. Ok?"

"I-I can't do that! You're my Senpai! How could I do that; that'd be so rude!?" You asked.

"Not anymore. Do you... want to be my lover?" He asked. He took your hand and kissed it.

"M-me?!" You asked.

Riddle let go and looked at the tart. "Yes. I... I've had a crush on you for the longest time. I just never knew how to tell you. But now I have... and I was afraid that you'd reject me. Do you like me... back?"

The Queen's Majesty {Riddle x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now