Chapter 5 ~ The Rose Garden

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You couldn't believe it. Riddle was asking YOU, of all people, to be his lover. You felt a sense of happiness burst inside you, filling you with joy. You brushed your hair behind your ear and gave him a smile.

"Yes, Housewarden. I'd LOVE to be your partner!"

Riddle gave you the biggest smile you had ever seen him muster. He stood up with you and picked you up in his arms, nuzzling you affectionately. You kissed his cheek, and he carried you out the door.


You and Riddle went outside just before the Rose Maze, and he set you down. He extended his arm and smiled. "Shall we take a stroll, my love?"

You nodded and held his arm. You firmly wrapped your hands around it, and together you both walked into the maze.

The cool spring air, mixed with the smell of fresh roses allured you to a sense of happiness. Red paint dripped from several of the white flowers, while leaves stained red fluttered to the ground. Riddle scoffed and looked at the entrance. "When those scoundrels get back, I will have their heads..."

"Have your head..." the familiar and eerie phrase rang in your ears. You looked down at the grass and remembered yesterday afternoon; how your clothes were stained bright red, how Riddle lost his temper and threatened to decapitate you, and how terrified of him you used to be. You still felt a bit fearful. Riddle was like a ticking time-bomb. One wrong move, and your relationship was over.

You hadn't realized it, but Riddle had been watching you as you became lost in thought. He stopped for a moment and tilted your head to look him in the eyes. "Something the matter, my garden rose?"

Garden rose? Oh, he was referring to you. You shook your head and sniffled a bit. "I'm fine, Riddle. Just... thinking about something."

Riddle, although suspicious, shrugged and led you farther into the maze where their first unbirthday party was scheduled to take place. The white tablecloths fluttered in the wind, decorations coated the bushes, and a large gold and red chair stood at the head of the table. You admired the decorations as Riddle plucked a white rose off the bush.

"While the Queen of Hearts liked her roses red, I believe the white rose is more suited to someone like yourself. Gentle, kind, and a bit mischievous."

"Mischievous?" You scoffed and laughed. Riddle smiled seeing yours, and he brought you towards a large fountain a little ways further into the maze. Together, you sat on the edge of the waters and looked at your reflections.


"Tomorrow is the unbirthday party, {Y/N}. You will attend, right?"

You nodded.

"Good. I want you sitting right next to me, ok?"

You nodded again, this time a bit slower. You looked down at the water, and a white petal fell into it.


You shivered again. Riddle's fierce temper, his threats, his actions... and today, he was acting like the kindest person in the world towards you. It was scary seeing how quickly his mood could change. Almost like Floyd's mood.

"Something's bothering you, my garden rose." Riddle held your hand and looked at you. "What is the matter?"

You realized he was talking to you. You stopped zoning out and blinked a few times. "W-what? Sorry, Riddle. I was just thinking..."

"Was it about yesterday?"

You let out a small gasp. You turned to look at him, and he glanced down at his heels.

"I'm sorry. I always get like that. I get so angry that I just explode over the smallest of matters."

You took the rose out of your hair and began plucking the petals off one by one. Riddle took note of this and began to soothe you.

"Are you still holding me up to the Queen's rules?" you asked.

"Do you want me to?"

"P-preferably not, Riddle."

Riddle pulled you into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry about yesterday. And I forgave you even without the tart because I love you... and I don't want to hurt you ever again."



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