Chapter 2 ~ Royal Summons

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"H-huh? Who's here?!"

No one answered the door to your room. Instead, a white envelope was slipped beneath the little gap. You cautiously walked over to it and grabbed it, ripping the top off.

To {Y/N}-san,

The Housewarden requests your presence within his quarters. Do not make him wait or you might get your head removed.

Trey Clover

"H-Housewarden wants to see me?!" You shouted. You quickly got dressed in your dorm uniform again and hurried out the door. While you walked, you could feel cold sweat drop down your face. Riddle was mad, for sure. No way in hell were you getting out of there alive. You headed upstairs and made your way to the room in the back. Students were whispering and shooting curious stares at you. You stopped just before Riddle's room and gulped nervously.

"Give me strength..." you prayed. Slowly opening the door, you peeked in and saw Riddle sitting in a large desk chair. He held a cup of tea in his hand. Trey motioned for you to come inside.

You slowly entered the room and closed the door gently. You fiddled with your fingers and looked away.

"H-Housewarden sir, a-about earlier..."

"If you came to beg for forgiveness... don't." Riddle sipped his tea and turned to face you. "This is all Trey's idea... he invited you here so we could have tea and... chat."

This wasn't what you expected. Ever. Not even in a million years. Trey set a chair down for you, so you sat in it. You were handed a tea cup and a few sugar cubes. You put them in the tea and watched as Riddle folded his arms.

"I apologize, {Y/N}-san, but if it wasn't for Trey, I'd have your head," Riddle said. "You're lucky you've only broken ONE rule."

"Riddle, it's not really an apology if you keep threatening them," Trey said. "Sorry, {Y/N}. Riddle's not one for apologizing."

"Keep talking and I'll have your head next," Riddle grumbled angrily. He turned away and looked at the papers on his desk.

"H-Housewarden sir, I am so sorry about the roses... and I don't mind if you deem a punishment fit. I understand I broke the rules, and I swear to you that it won't happen again."

Riddle didn't respond. He flipped a paper on his desk and wrote something on it.

Trey walked up behind you and bent down in your ear. "{Y/N}, do you mind if we talk for a moment?"

"Sure, Clover-senpai," you replied. You followed him out the room, which made Riddle turn.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Just to talk for a moment," Trey said. Riddle looked at you, then at Trey. He seemed jealous. Was he mad at you or Trey?


You and Trey stopped just outside the room. He bent down and whispered something to you.

"Riddle has been dealing with his feelings, and lately, it's been about his recent crush."

"Crush? Housewarden has a crush?" You asked.

"Yea. It's you," Trey answered.

Your jaw dropped. Riddle had a crush? On you?! How was this possible??

"M-me?!" You asked. Your face went bright red.

"Yea. Apparently his crush only recently started, so he's been in a terrible mood dealing with his feelings. That's why he blew up at you." Your face was flushed; Trey took note of this. "Y'know, {Y/N}, if you wanna impress him, you should bake him a tart."

"A t-tart?" you stuttered.

"Yea. Riddle loves tarts, especially strawberry tarts. C'mon, I'll teach you how to make one."

"Really? I do wanna make a good first impression... even though I really screwed up with the roses today," you mumbled.

"Listen, {Y/N}, stop stressing about it. Riddle's forgiven you already. Now let's go make that tart."

You kept thinking about everything that's happened so far today, but while doing so you realized Trey was waiting for you. You shook your head and quickly followed him. Your goal for tonight was to make the best strawberry tart ever.

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