Chapter 3 ~ The Tyrant's Tart

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"Alright, {Y/N}, lemme show you how to make a good strawberry tart."

You and Trey stood in the cafeteria's kitchen to prepare the tart. You grabbed the ingredients and began following his instructions. You made a few mistakes here and there, but for the most part, you were doing pretty well. You rolled out the dough and shaped it to the tray, then you added the strawberries. With the leftover berries, you lined them up and on the sides and and smiled at your work.

"Wow... it looks absolutely delicious," you said, mouth watering.

"Heh heh, yeah. Riddle will love this. Now, I'll put it in the oven and let it bake. You're free to go back to your room."

"T-that's it?" you asked.

"Mhm. Were you expecting something grandiose?" Trey asked.


Trey laughed. "Sorry to disappoint, but it's just a tart. But don't worry, I'm sure Riddle will appreciate it no matter what. Go get some rest."

You nodded and waved goodbye. You took off to your room with a smile over your face. The tart you made looked amazing. Riddle would surely enjoy it.


You entered the dorm and quietly walked up the stairs towards your room. Hoping the Housewarden wouldn't see you, you looked around and were about to open the door to your dorm when someone called your name.


You froze; Riddle stared at you from across the hall with a look of annoyance. He unfolded his arms and quickly began walking towards you. You fumbled with the lock on your door, scrambling to unlock it.

"{Y/N}! HALT!"

You jammed the keys inside and tried turning them.


Just as the door came open, Riddle grabbed your arm and pushed you against the wall. He pushed you down, and you blushed as he stood over you. Even though you were terrified, you didn't dare show him.

"Why didn't you stop?" Riddle asked.

You started to stammer as he looked you expectantly in the eyes.

"H-H-Housewarden, I-I-"

"Enough. What were you doing with Trey?"

"N-nothing... we just went to get something really quickly," you lied.

Riddle gave you a menacing look, but he sighed and reluctantly released you. "Sorry, {Y/N}. Just... don't mind me."

Riddle moved away and quickly scurried back to his room. You entered your own and locked the door. When you were sure he was gone, you breathed a sigh of relief. Although you were very confused, you had to admit that what he did was kinda...

You stopped thinking about it and rubbed your face, which was red hot. You changed into your pajamas and slipped underneath the blanket on your bed. "What was that...?" You asked.


You tossed and turned most of the night. The confrontation with the Housewarden was terrifying, yet insanely attractive. "Damnit... these thoughts are the worst. Is this what he's dealing with too? Since he likes me... does that mean I like him back?"

You realized it was early in the morning, so you slowly awoke. You got dressed and checked your schedule. "Oh great, rose painting duty again," you mumbled. You rubbed sleep out your eyes and proceeded to move towards the door.

"Hello? Hope I'm not interrupting your beauty sleep, {Y/N}. The tart is ready for delivery!"

You had completely forgotten about the tart. Hurrying to get ready, you met up with Trey and followed him back to the kitchen. Many students were there eating breakfast together, while others were busy talking or preparing for class.

"Here we are; one fresh strawberry tart. Make sure you give this to Riddle as soon as possible, ok?" Trey asked.

"Sure thing, Clover-senpai. Do you think he'll like it?"

"Of course. Strawberry tarts are his favorite food. Good luck, {Y/N}."

"Thanks!" You took the tart and hurried back to the dorms where Riddle was.


"Hurry up! If you're late to class, I'll have your head!" Riddle barked at two students chatting in the halls. You moved past them and stopped just before Riddle. His back was turned. You started to sweat nervously; you were just about to give him the tart. How would he react? What would he say?


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