Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - First Mission
"The lord has granted us another clue!" Garter held up a piece of paper that had the word "Bird" on it.
"A fucking bird? I'm not gonna go out to find a fucking bird!" Boxer yelled.
"That's fine, you lazy bitches! I was going to send (Y/N) instead." This info made the Seraphim choke on her sandwich.
"No, you're ready. Time for the baby Seraphim to fly from the nest. Gotta go and kill some motherfucking ghosts!" (Y/N) found herself outside the church and felt a small impact on her back.
"And take Chuck with you!" With that, the doors slammed and locked the two out.
"Well... Guess it's just you and me then... All alone..."
"Chuck!" The small creature threw up a set of keys from his mouth into (Y/N)'s hand.
"Car keys? But I can't drive."
Back at the church, Sock and Boxer were bored out of their minds.
"Hey, can you take me to get some cake at the bakery?"
"As long as I flirt with the cashier." The brothers went out of the church and walked through the tunnel toward See-through when said vehicle drove between them at sound breaking speed.
"The fuck?! Get back here!" Boxer yelled at See-through. Chuck was driving at a dangerous speed as they flew out of the tunnel and hopped onto the highway.
"So... fast..." (Y/N) felt like she was about to throw up as Chuck was swerving in between cars. It took them a couple hours, but Chuck stopped at a hiking trail that led to a mountain peak.
"Fenyx Peak? Hm... This is where Garterbelt said the sightings were reported..." (Y/N) muttered to herself. Chuck began to climb the mountain trail as (Y/N) examined the notes Garter gave her.
"Hey, wait up!" She exclaimed as she tried to catch up with the speedy dog-creature. With the hot sun and lack of preparation/water, (Y/N) struggled to catch up to Chuck and just walked the steep trail towards the top.
"Why is it... so hot...? The mountain is too steep for me to climb..."
"Maybe take off a few layers..." A deep male voice said in her ear, effectively catching her off guard. She quickly looked around her surroundings only to find no one in sight. Deciding to take the stranger's (?) advice, (Y/N) took off her hoodie and wrapped it around her waist.
"I feel so naked..." She muttered to herself. Now with her hoodie off, she showed off her plain (f/c) t-shirt and Seraphim necklace. Continuing to walk the mountain trail, (Y/N) found Chuck at the entrance of Fenyx Peak. When she took one step forward, a strong gust of wind blew at her.
"Lord, the wind is too strong! I feel like I'd be blown away if it were stronger..." (Y/N) struggled to go to the middle of the peak, but eventually made it to her destination with Chuck next to her.
"The ghost is supposed to be here, but I don't see anything..." (Y/N) looked around to find any clue of the Ghost.
"Chuck! Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck!" Chuck yelled out as he ran around in weird circles.
"What is it? Did you see something-!" A shrill cry of what sounded like a bird echoed through the air before a large set of talons snatched the Seraphim from the ground.
"What the?! Let me go!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she tried to pull her shirt from the talons of the creature. However, the shirt ripped and she fell to the ground.
"Ugh... This is going horribly." She groaned as she struggled to get on her feet. Looking upwards, she could see the Ghost that looked like a harpy. (Y/N) clutched onto her necklace.
"I pray to thee to lend me thy holy power. Bless my fan to strike down those who are impure and send them into your loving arms." A large white folded fan appeared by her side. She grabbed onto one edge and quickly unfolded it.
"Repent motherfucker!" With a wave of her fan, gold winds emerged from the fan and sliced through the ghost, but didn't kill it yet. The harpy ghost let out a screech before diving towards (Y/N).
"Oh shit!" Two pairs of wings sprouted from her shirt and instinctively flew into the air. She evaded attack after attack from the Ghost, just narrowingly avoiding a lethal injury.
"I've had enough!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her four other pairs appearing and covering her body.
"Die!" From above, hundreds of gold arrows descended from the sky towards the peak.
They had phased through (Y/N) and Chuck, but not the ghost. The harpy ghost wailed in pain as the arrows pierced through its wings and body. With a final cry, it blew up into heaven coins while the rest of the arrows disappeared and turned into a field of wildflowers. (Y/N) slowly descended back onto the earth where Chuck hopped around the new flower field.
"Well that should be it..." She sighed as the bell rang through the air with a loud 'goooooooong'.
"Let's go home Chuck..." Before she could walk, a shiver ran up her spine as she felt a very unsettling presence.
"You killed my ghost... what a shame..." A voice sighed out. It was the same voice from before on the mountain trail. (Y/N) looked around and found a figure lying on a strong tree branch twenty feet ahead of her. He had dark indigo hair with white highlights...

But what scared (Y/N) the most was the pair of horns on his head.
"You... you're a demon..." She muttered, holding her fan close to her if he attempted to attack her.
"How observant. I guess I'll introduce myself." The demon lifted himself from the branch and jumped down in front of (Y/N).
"I'm Belphegor, the demon lord of Sloth. I've heard about you from Asmodeus, but I didn't think a fresh Seraphim would be on earth or this strong either..." He yawned before giving her a smile.
"I'm impressed. We'll meet again, or not. Depends on how I feel." A black portal with a purple aura appeared behind him before he walked inside and closed the portal. (Y/N) let out the breath that she was holding and transformed her fan back into her necklace.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?" She muttered to herself.

AN: Hello! Sorry for another long... hiatus?? Multiple things had happened through the year, but I thought to get back on this! I had hit inspiration randomly on this day and decided to finally finish this chapter after contemplating what road I should take with this story. And after reading the comments on the last chapter (I feel ashamed about some parts that relate to the reader... :'3), I had decided to base the demon lords that are appearing in the story after a certain fandom. Ultimately the reader is just... the reader or whoever you want them to be like either you or your OC. Anyways! Vote, comment, live your best life!

Image credit goes to yocalio on tumblr.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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