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Mention of blood, torture, rape and slight gory content

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Mention of blood, torture, rape and slight gory content


Everything was going great. Mostly. Until Hongjoong asked the question, he never thought would be even interesting for him. "Hey uhm...what happened to my mother?" Seonghwa looked up from what he was doing.

"I thought we're not talking about this." The younger nodded. "Yea. So ... tell me?" Seonghwa sighed, closing his book. He dreaded that question, afraid Hongjoong wouldn't be content about her punishment.

"Well. Her punishment is eternal suffering." Hongjoong tilted his head to the side. "Means?" He knew by know what kind of shit went down in Sans own personal little torture realm, so maybe something close to that. "She has to suffer through everything she did to you, just ... worse. For eternity. Over and over again. Until I find a way to make her suffer even more."

Hongjoong nodded, looking away. "So .. means you're in charge of her?" Seonghwa sighed, nodding. "Indeed. You're not going to see her." Hongjoong pouted a bit, he knew arguing would be useless. "Just once?" Seonghwa closed his eyes for a second, his finger lightly pinching the bridge of his nose.

He didn't wanted to keep Hongjoong away from his own mother. After all he had a right to see her, if he really wanted to. But it didn't seem right to let him go anywhere close to her. "I...will accompany you. I won't let you alone with her. You can talk to her. Once. That's it." Putting up a fight against Hongjoong was usually pointless, Seonghwa never won those fights. "Don't be disappointed if it doesn't play out like you want it to ok?"

Hongjoong nodded. "I know. She won't even remember me. Probably. But thank you. I really appreciate that." The older nodded and looked back down at his book. "There's something else isn't it?" Hongjoong fiddled his fingers a little bit.

"Hmh. Not really. Why would you say that?" Seonghwa sighed and turned the page, not looking up again. "I can see right through you. I don't even have to look up." Hongjoong gnawed on his lip softly, not sure of how to answer him. "I may have another request."


Hongjoong followed Seonghwa cautiously. He tried to only look forward and ignore the other people around him. Seonghwa sure had a lot of people, to do his job. A lot of actually demonic looking beings scattered around the place.

SeongJoong - Let Me Take The Pain AwayWhere stories live. Discover now