Chapter 1

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There I was. Standing on the edge of my apartment buildings' rooftop; The winter wind was blowing through my long, golden-blonde hair, and the sound of the speeding traffic could be heard beneath me... Nothing could be more perfect than this moment. The busy, city lights were glowing in my wake, and the stars were shining brighter than ever.

I took a deep breath, and glanced once more at the beautiful, yet troubled, city that I call home. Standing there in my baby-blue skinny jeans, an old maroon sweatshirt, and a pair of plain black cons, I was ready to jump. I'd finally rid myself of the voices in my head.

"Just jump already... Jump." Persisted the voices. "You're not scared are you?" They snickered.

Closing my eyes, I stepped forward, and fell.
I could feel the absence of the building as I plummeted towards the ground. The rush was amazing, my body began to thump with adrenaline as I got nearer and nearer to the pavement.

As I was preparing myself for the collision, I started to wonder if anyone would miss me. I didn't have much time to ponder this before my body came in contact with the ice-cold ground, and everything faded into oblivion.

*6 months earlier*

"Grace! Get down here and clean this up!"

Monday morning. Every Monday my dad makes me clean up the mess he made the previous night; He always comes home from work on Sunday and smashes anything and everything he sees, only to blame it on me the following morning.

My mum died when I was young, I don't really remember much about her and my dad doesn't really like talking about what happened, or her for that matter-
Before I knew what was happening, my dad stormed through my bedroom door and grabbed me by the arm, yanking me down-stairs to the living room.

"What do you think you're doing! Hurry up and clean!"

He threw me to the ground and kicked my in the stomach. I curled up in a ball, clutching where his foot had come in contact with my torso. Coughing, I reluctantly got up, before he could do anymore damage, and begun picking up the numerous broken objects around the room. I've learnt that it's best not to talk-back to my 'father', so I didn't speak to him at all.

He isn't much of a father, he's always out drinking. I pretty much raised myself once my grandparents passed away, I would usually stay with them to get away from him. I was only 11 when they passed, so I had to come back home to my father.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

And that's the end of the first chapter?
Clearly I suck at writing, so I thank you guys for reading... If anyone actually ends up reading this.

If anyone you guys need someone to talk to, I'm always here :) I'll try my best to make you guys feel better, I know how shitty things can be but it always gets better, I promise. You may not believe that now but it honestly does.

So if you ever need to talk, my social media accounts are below:

Kik: tayla907
Instagram: tayla_ptv
Twitter: idkxloser

And I'll try and reply as soon as I can :) I'll be posting updates about the story on Twitter, if anyone cares... But I'll try and have a new chapter every 2-4 days?

Once again, thank you for reading and take care. Every single one of you are perfect and if anyone says otherwise, break their nose xxx

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