Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 "The world's stopping"

Levi's POV;

I woke up with a gasp as I felt the uncomfortable feeling of having a nightmare fill up my body. I don't know what the dream was about but I knew I hated it. My body almost ached with the feelings of that something was wrong.

Something was defiantly wrong... I don't know how I knew it or what was wrong but I knew something is terrible off...

"Whacha doin'" Eren mumbled half asleep as he pulled himself slightly closer to my body. He buried his face in the crock of my neck and gave me a soft, soft peak on it. His body warmth slowly making it's way over to mine as his lips were connected to my collarbone

"I just had a nightmare..." I answered quietly as I pulled my hand around his chest. He sighted as I started fiddling with his brown locks.

"Wanna talk 'bout it?" He mumbled against my skin causing vibrations to fill my chest. I shook my head and he noticed the movement and nodded.

"No.. Just laying here with you, hearing your soft breathing," I whispered softly as I pulled him closer again. "Feeling it against my skin,"

I pulled my fingers through his hair so his face was exposed. "Being warmed up by your heat with your scent filling my nose," I continued as I gave him soft kissed on his head and forehead as he sighted in delight.

"Feeling your heart under my touch and agains my body. Just laying here and being close to you, breathing, cuddeling, loving. It's all that needs to calm me down." I whispered as I once again pulled him closer. But it wasn't enough!

I wanted to be even closer, I wanted us to be so close that nothing could get inbetween! I needed him to be close but no matter how much I hugged and snuggled and kissed him, he felt so far away. I wanted out atoms to combine and be one with one another. I wanted nothing to separate us.

"I love you." I suddenly blurted out without thinking.



It just slipped out of me!

I started to panic in silence as I waited for his reaction...

...But it never came.

He was already asleep.

~ ~ time skip ~ ~

"See ya after school!" Eren said cheerfully as he peaked me quickly on the lips.

I got that off feeling again.

We weren't close enough!

I pulled him closer and my arms slipped around his neck as I kissed him desperate and passionately. He hummed in surprise but soon melted into my embrace. His arms snuck around my waist.

Why do I still feel like he's going away and I won't be seeing him for a long time.

I didn't want to leave him!

"Levi, what are you doing?" Eren managed to ask between my desperate kisses. "What's wrong?"

I ignored his surprised questions and pulled him closer as my eyebrows furrowed with the odd feeling taking over my body.

Is this how it feels to be in love?

Is that why I can't get enough of him?

Is that why my stomach is flipping it's shit waaaaaay more then it did when we just started dating?

Is that why it hurts so much?

"Levi, we have to get to class!" He said in a breath pause of our kisses. I once again ignored his statements and pulled him even closer.

I want to stay like this. Pressed against his body and just thinking about us.

"How comes every time I walk over to you guys, you're making out?" Hanji's voice interrupted our so called 'make-out-session'.

"Cause we're dating maybe?" I mocked as I wiped my lips slightly.

"Now Eren, go to class! Otherwise you'll be late." Hanji said as she pushed him away, towards the corridor. He just nodded and waved me goodbye.

My aching heart started hurting more and more the more steps he took away from me.

"Levi.. What's wrong?" Hanji asked as she stopped on her way to our classroom. I just stood and stared after him.

"I don't know... I think I'm sick." I answered quietly, not tearing my gaze away from him. "My heart hurts when I'm with him but it hurts even more when he leaves.."

I could see Hanji staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

"You're in love." She said before pulling me towards the classroom and my answer to her statement was not audible over the bell that called in for classes.

The class was extremely boring and I already knew everything they told me about. I was just sitting and starting out of the window, thinking about the thing Hanji confirmed me about and quicker then I thought, the class was coming to an end.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I reached down as discreetly as I could and managed to open the phone without anyone noticing.

The sms was from Petra and I actually though about ignoring her but some weird force made me open her message anyways.

My heart stopped together with my breath, my movement, my hearing, my smell, the classroom, the teacher and my classmates.

It seemed like the world had stopped it's spinning and all the planets stood still.

All that didn't stopped was my sight.

All I could do was to stare at the picture on the phone in my hands.

All I could do was to wish this was some sick dream.

That I would wake up any second and realize they the world wasn't so cruel as it seemed to be.

That I would wake up and pull Eren closer.

That the picture was of someone else that stood and kissed Petra.

That the picture wasn't of Eren.


Chapter 17!!

Ohoh.. I'm seriously nervous for the next chapter..

Anyways, cliffhanger.

Peach out!

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